That's it!
I have one more full day to wait until I get to find out the sex of this baby. I did some last minute shopping tonight with my little brother & I started to get some pains in my lower abdomen. They really hurt. I think I just need to take it easy. But I can't I've gained a ton of weight & I have to do an EXTREME shopping spree the day after Christmas. These pains will have to wait.
I just had dinner & I must have had too much......again. I feel like I'm going to puke. And I wanted to go on the elliptical. Hopefully, this feeling will go away. I'm burning up, too. The baby has the hiccups!
It's Here!
I can't believe it! I'm in my 3rd Trimester!!!!! That went by so fast. The baby is already moving around a lot this morning. Which is very reassuring considering that I didn't get any sleep again. Damn heartburn kept me up all night. I got up at 4 & ate some more nasty Tums. When I laid back down, I could feel the Tums coating the stomach acid as it rose through my throat. This was some kickass heartburn, though. The Tums didn't even save the day & they always do! And of course, once again, the only side to lay on to relieve heartburn is not allowed {my right side}. Needless to say, I didn't fall asleep until around 7:30AM....this morning! UGH! I need to get some good night sleeps, bc I know that won't happen once the baby is born.
I can't believe that I get to find out the gender in 3 whole days! So many things to look forward to!
I really need these last 3 months to go by quicker. I can't sleep on my left side anymore. I am not getting any sleep because of it, and then when I "wake up" in the morning, I'm in the worst mood. Honestly, if I was allowed to sleep on my back or right side- I'd be golden.
The baby wasn't all that active yesterday, but I think maybe it's because I was running around a lot getting ready for the Christmas Movie Marathon Day! I made homemade New England Clam Chowder, salad, and toasted subs! We also had some appetizers, too.
As we were watching the movies, I was thinking about what it's going to be like next year with a 9 month around. We probably won't see much of the movies. ha.
My belly is definitely getting bigger, I ran it into the refrigerator door this morning. Didn't realize how much it stuck out. At Schreckmas, my grandma & her friend were telling me some Wives' Tales about pregnancy & figuring out the gender. I just stood there and laughed bc everything they said was the opposite that I've heard so far. Honestly, these little "myths" on how to tell are really quite stupid. People I don't even know come up to me & tell me what I'm having. I appreciate the advice & the stories that all these random mothers tell me, but they are kinda lame, too. I just nod my head & smile, "okay....."
4 more days.....
Schreckmas 2010
lil giraffe

I made this for my little nugget. I made others, but I like this one the best. It's going to be so fun shopping for the baby. I only have 7 more days until Christmas!!!!! And I just got a coupon for Babies-R-Us. Spend $50 on clothes- take $10 off. AND IT EXPIRES DEC 31st!! Guess who is going shopping Dec 26th!
Last night, Jimmy & I busted out the stethoscope and we could hear the baby's heartbeat!!!!!! It also kicked a few times & we could hear that thump, too! It was really cool.
The gender poll is now at 50-50. It is a composite of people who follow & don't follow this blog. 6 say boy & 6 say girl! Well that's no fun.
oh man...
I went on our elliptical for 30 min this morning. Then Jimmy & I went to the gym and did another 30 min of cardio. It's nice because we can change it up. We went on 3 different machines- 10 min each. I could have gone for one more machine, but he isn't feeling well. So I made him do the adduction & abduction machines.
After stretching, I asked my trainer why my stupid quads don't feel like they are getting a good workout. He said that while you're pregnant, you body produces endorphins to make certain pains not occur. Whether or not that is the truth, I'll take it. Only because, I have been trying to work them out pretty hard, and they don't hurt....at.....all. I don't understand. [Oakley is playing with a toy mouse and just attacked the water bowl. There is now water all over the wall & floor...& him] I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, hopefully someday I will notice some definition back into my quads.
My hammies btw, KILL!!!! So at least I know I'm working something out. ha.
8 full days left to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear. This baby is going nutso. I don't even know why. Maybe it wants me to get up and move around. Speaking of "nuts," according to the weekly emails I got today- if I'm having a boy his balls have started their 3 day journey to drop down. I thought that doesn't happen until they are teens or something. haha. Hmm. Well I guess I can't say I didn't learn something. I also found out that I know another girl who is pregnant. Wow! The tally just keeps getting higher & higher. I think we are up to 9 now {2 of which had their babies just recently}.
Today while I was standing in front of the class, I overheard a girl on the corner of my eye ask the girl next to her if I was pregnant. The other girl knows me & said yes. Then the 2 of us just laughed. Isn't it obvious by now? My belly is HUGE!!!! I've gained 11 friggin pounds!!!! And most of it is clearly in the stomach region.
That reminds me, I have to go do some cardio. peace.
oh man!
We have less than 100 days until we are parents!!!!!!!
I am so excited! This is going to be so much fun! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I can't wipe the damn smile off my friggin' face! Oh, nevermind, I can. I have heartburn! Tums will cure that right up. Oooh! And the baby just kicked! "It" has gone loco lately.
Jimmy & I did the legs & back workout of P90X today. I must need to try harder or something, bc I didn't even get out of breath or break a sweat! Are you kidding me? What pregnant lady does that? I hope my legs hurt tomorrow. My knees & ankles are killing me, but that is NOT good.
I keep going back & forth to what gender the baby is. As of tonight, I'm going with a boy.
Ok, gotta go finish up the laundry & go to bed. I have to teach art tomorrow.
Another Snow Day!
Uh Oh! We only get 3 snow days a year now & we've used all of them up. I was supposed to go into work today, so I guess I will just have to start on my shower invites instead. That sounds more fun anyway.
I'm not sure where to start with them, but I'm sure I will figure it out. I better! They have to go out pretty soon!!!!! The shower is Feb 5th & with the holidays I'm not going to have time to deal with the invites.
Here goes nothing....
Well, I have some more verbal votes.
3- boy
We had a check-up appointment this morning. Everything is going well. The heartbeat was at about 144 bpm. The next time I get a picture is at my 36 week appt. Ugh! that's 10 WEEKS AWAY! oh well. Mikey & Nicole got to feel the baby kick for the first time. This kid's kicks & punches are so strong now, that you can see them through my shirt!
The next time I go in, I have to get blood drawn for a gestational diabetes. I have to drink some nasty Glucola drink before I go in. Woo hoo. I'm excited for that one. hahaha NOT!
I remember just the other day telling people I was 24 weeks pregnant. I can't believe that I'm 26 weeks! Where the heck did a whole week go? 12 more days left to vote on this baby's gender. We also found out that one of our friend's from college is going to have a baby. Seriously, those of you who are NOT ready to have kids or just don't want them, BE CAREFUL. There is some kind of epidemic going around. haha.
I don't know if you remember that cold I had....IT STILL HASN'T GONE AWAY! This is such crap!
I have a check-up tomo! Hope all is well! :)
Not-So Weekly Update....
How far along: 26 weeks
Maternity clothes: Finally got some. I still don't really need them though. But I wear them occasionally. I actually just bought a sweater dress thingy in a small, and it fits fine. I did buy 2 pairs of maternity jeans. I have yet to wear them.
Stretch marks: I'm sure they are on their way.
Sleep: I should be in bed right now...dreaming away.
Best moment this week: finding out more of my friends are pregnant & our babies will be in the same grade!
Movement: lots of it. Both the baby & me
Food cravings/aversions: COOKIES, chocolate, orange juice, grilled cheese, clementines, pears, & cottage cheese
Gender: 14 more days
What I miss: my tight, hot bod
What I am looking forward to: Christmas morning & then clothes shopping
What I have learned: labor is going to REALLY suck....a lot.
Milestones: breaking down bc my body is finally looking pregnant & I didn't realize that it would hit me like that. going to the gym & having women ask me about the pregnancy. It's kinda nice to talk about it with strangers.
"Oooh the baby kicked!" seems to be a common phrase outta my mouth these days. {actually, the baby really did kick right there} My bump is getting bigger & bigger by the minute. I can't believe in a few days I will have less than 100 days left of being pregnant. So far I've gained 11 lbs total. I guess that's pretty good.
I'm told that I shouldn't sleep on my back & even try not to sleep on my right side. I keep waking up on my back or my right side. I guess in my sleep, I'm a rebel. I've also noticed that my damn nasal congestion hasn't completely gone away. I will probably be dealing with this for a LONG time. Guaranteed. My lower back hurts [what else is new], my feet hurt, and my knees are in a little pain. Ha! I miss cracking my back. I would LOVE a good back-crackin' right now. I also, could use a total body massage!! That would be amazzzzahzzzzahzzzzing.
Sleep. So here is the thing. I can't get myself to want to GO to sleep. If I just go into bed, and close my eyes, I will be out in about 3 minutes. But I go into bed and either watch tv or read. JUST GO TO SLEEP! I need it!
How many more days until Christmas??????
14....THAT is going to be the LONGEST 2 weeks EVER!
haha. nighty night. [i'm not really going to bed. Who are we kidding?]
Yeah, so I broke down today after Zumba class. The instructor kept telling us to look in the mirror to see how sexy we were. Uh, OBVIOUSLY she didn't see the 25 week pregnant chick in the 2nd row! Because, I did NOT look sexy. I actually looked like a total TOOLBOX complete with a screwdriver up the ass. All of the other times I've done Zumba classes, I seriously did feel hot. Well not so much anymore. And I'm only going to get bigger!!!! A lady in the class said that the baby is probably really enjoying the class as well. hehe. It probably puts the baby to sleep that's why. I guess it's good that she noticed I was knocked up, bc what I was wearing I felt I just looked fat.
So to make me feel better, I went to the mall. I spent about 4 hours looking around at stuff. I didn't really buy much: some gifts for xmas, birthdays, and the shower. It was nice & relaxing. Just going in and out of stores at my own pace.
I also went perusing to the stores outside of the mall. I drove past a store front to park. There was a man walking to the store. After I parked (not in a close spot), I walked towards the entrance & that guy was standing outside the door looking at me. I looked at him quickly & he said, "Was that you driving the mustang?" - "uh....yeah."(as I walk a little quicker towards the door.)- "Do you like cars?" - I didn't really get a chance to answer, nor did I want to. I was also trying SOOOOO hard to get into the friggin' store. I was so caught off guard by this freak that I didn't realize you have to PULL the door open. So after he went on about his stupid car fetish, I was standing there frantically trying to get into the building. Finally, I get in and I dart towards the clothes. He told me about some place that he goes that has to do with cars- i dont know- said something about how I should get on Big Al's list- whatever- then told me what kind of car he has- never heard of it.
OMG!!!! I'm trying to relaxingly (I probably made that one up) SHOP! Get the F*$# away from me psycho! So he must have gotten the hint, when I ignored him. Then I kept an eye on him. He wasn't even shopping. Honestly, he was just wondering around the store, and everywhere I looked there he was. UGH! So I called Jimmy [in case I went missing] and then dropped everything in my hand and walked out. Well, I guess at least the guy saved me some ca$h. ...dick.
When I got home, my maternity jeans came in the mail! I was so excited when I ordered them that I was wearing the same size I did pre-pregnancy. When I took them out of their bag, I was nervous to put them on.............
Oh man! They fit great! I feel REALLY good in them, too! Woo HOO! I needed that! I think I'm going to wear these even long after I'm preggo. Hey, they're good going out & getting drunk jeans. You don't have to zip or button them!
The Chain Gang

My friend Jenna told me to make a chain link to count down the days until Christmas. Eventually, I'd like to make an Advent calendar for my kids to use like the one my mom has. But I love the chain idea for now!!!! It's nice to "do something" everyday to count down the days. Oakley likes it, too.

Obviously, I took this picture 4 days ago. Just have been too busy to upload & post.
Ok, so I'm a little stressed out. I have a lot on my mind, and it really doesn't even have to do with the baby. haha. But the things that I'm stressing over are actually pissing me off, which kinda sucks and probably isn't good for the baby.
I'm tired of asking for things. I'm tired of expecting things. I'm tired of wasting my time on certain people.
I can't just think to myself...well calm down. Things will change. Because, they haven't & they won't so I just keep getting more angry.
I have a few more weeks until I'm not allowed to fly- - I think I need a mini vacay. You know, so when I come back all of my problems will be here waiting for me. haha Well that's just dumb.
Actually, I'm really happy that I have the baby to look forward to. At least someone will love me unconditionally, do things that make me happy, and actually listen to me when we are having a conversation. (yes, sometimes I realize that I am just talking to myself while I think people are listening to me-when in actuality they are listening to someone else- who wasn't even in our conversation)
17 more days....
I can't believe it.
It would have been nice to know what the baby's gender is yesterday, while Nicole & I were in Babies-r-Us. There were sooooooo many adorable clothes!!!!
As I fill out my Kristmas cards, I get a little giddy inside while I write the little note: Great News! I'm having a baby in March!
Jimmy & I both are not fans of the expressions:
- we're expecting
or the WORST EVER - - we're pregnant.
So, the "I'm having a baby," had to do. I only had to write the note out to a couple of people I haven't seen in awhile or won't see. I can't believe next year, I will be adding the baby's name to the signature of our cards. Christmas is going to be so much more exciting from now on.
We had to do some room rearranging this weekend. I'm not happy about it, but it had to be done. I tried my hardest to make our bedroom a tranquil, relaxing space. We have the baby's room, the office, and the "red room." Well, the Red Room is going to have to be the guest bedroom now. So I had to take the elliptical out of it. The room is teeny tiny, so there really wasn't any room for it anymore, now that the chair is in there & I'd like to get a love seat/sofa bed in there.
Unfortunately, that left our bedroom & the living room for the elliptical. I'm sad to say- it had to go in our bedroom. The bedroom just feels cold now. :( BUT, the upside is that I will be more apt to use it. Before, when I worked out on it, I only had the radio & a portable DVD player to watch. It's so much easier to workout on that with a tv show going instead of a movie. And music is motivating, but I need something to look at. I went on it for 30 min this morning! :) So I'm already using it more. haha. I'm supposed to be doing 30 min of cardio everyday during this pregnancy. So during this winter, I can elliptical it up and then go to my gym for weight training & yoga. Dig it.
Hopefully, I will see results.
I'm really starting to show now, and I think my belly looks fake. Like the kind they put on actresses in movies. Seriously, it looks like plastic or something from far away. Makes me laugh. The baby is moving around right now, and I have a special treat for "it" tonight. TACOS! YUM! Can't wait. I hope [s]he likes them. Mexican is my favorite food. Oh man, I want a margarita. How many more months???? Speaking of margaritas, Babies-r-us has these strips that test alcohol in your breast milk. I'm wondering how well they work. I should probably get some of those.
I had some cramping last night, but I think it was from laughing so hard non-stop for 2 hours while watching Bill Cosby, Himself. That's probably my favorite stand-up comedy sketch ever.
3 more months until this baby pops out.
21 more days until I get to find out if It's a boy or a girl!!!!
One of my weekly emails said that you can hear the baby's heartbeat by putting your ear up to the belly. Well, I used our stethoscope and heard nothing. So I guess it'll be awhile for that one. The baby however, is still moving around a lot. It seemed like non-stop yesterday! I still kinda don't feel pregnant. haha. I'm 24 weeks along and it STILL hasn't hit me!!! I'm thinking it may hit me at the shower. I'll walk in and be like, "OMG! I'm pregnant?????" No one will understand. I think the bubbles in my stomach woke the baby up, bc now it's moving around like crazy. oops.
Only 23 more days.......I want to buy this baby some clothes!!!!! Maybe they will have some after christmas deals.
wOw! This baby can move! I feel "it" rolling around in there more & more, and it's not just at night anymore either. Sometimes it's really uncomfortable, and I tell "it" to stop and try some other trick. I read last night that "it" can hear the dog barking, fire trucks wailing, and any other loud noises. Well, I have a dog, my husband is a fireman, and I sing really loudly (or yell at my kitten all the time- bc he is so bad). So this baby sure is getting a lot of entertainment.
I am usually freezing cold. Today Oakley jumped up on my lap and his ears were chilly. I didn't even realize that I had the heat on at 66º. Typically, I would have the heat on at around 70º, but I was warm yesterday. Right now, I'm blogging in my bikini....
a) who does that?
b) what? I just had that picture taken & I didn't get up yet.
c) I'm not even cold, so that is AWESOME
Being knocked up has brought me many emotions, thoughts, and PROJECTS! I finished the cushion, and now I'm moving onto some wall art. Can I just say, "What the hell have I gotten myself into?" I also bought some onesies & stamps to make some little phrases. That project has been sitting out in the living room for about 3 weeks. I'll get to it, I'll get to it.
Now for the "thoughts" - - I keep thinking about all of the different cool aspects of having a boy or a girl. I was looking through some clothes, and I guess they have some cool boy outfits. I will be spending a LOT of $$$$ at the Baby Gap & Target.
And as far as the emotions go....in the beginning I was not afraid of labor and all that it brings. Well that has changed! I..... AM..... TERRIFIED! I watched a live birth last night. THAT IS NOT NATURAL {i've seen them b4, but not while preggo} & I thought well maybe, just maybe, the c-section would be less scary! HELL-to-the- FRICKIN' NO! I still don't want that either! So how the heck am I going to get this baby out? OMG! My poor body. I know it's for a great cause & lame ass moms will say, "It's a beautiful thing to have a baby." Um....NO. IT IS NOT A BEAUTIFUL THING TO HAVE A BABY. In fact, it is the most disgusting thing ever! Being able to have a baby is "beautiful" [i guess], but what needs to happen to get it out....{i'm shuddering with disgust} I have about 4.5 months to figure out a way to magically give birth without going through any hole or cutting any part of my body open.
And believe me....I will try to think of something. I'm a Libra and that Halloween Psychic Lady said when I have something I want to get done- I find a way to make it happen. She might have been talking about designing awesome costumes, or getting any hot guy I wanted, but I'll take it as:
Magic Birth (no holes, no cuts, no problem)
p.s. I'm freezing now & the kitty cat is seriously snoring. haha
the bump....
The Cushion!
YESsssssss! It's done! Well, actually, it's been done, I just haven't really written about it. This cushion project was a pain in the butt. I think it was worth it though. It started off as a 5" foam block. I cut that up into the seat & armrests. I was going to make a back, but after sitting in it, we decided that it really didn't need one. Plus, I really didn't want to cover the whole thing up. I'm really glad that I am going to be able to use this rocking chair, since it was my grandparents'. 

added little detail.
I made a pocket for each side.
Not sure what I would exactly put in it, but they will come in use.
My parents had a stool with the same wood finish, so I reupholstered that to match. I taught myself how to sew buttons & buttonholes with the machine. Thank GOD, I decided to do it that way, instead of by hand. I made the cushion so that it is easily removable in case I need to wash it. Not bad. Not bad.
But, I don't want to do anything like it ever again.
Wow! It's been awhile... I've been really busy with work, the holidays, & football! I also have a TERRIBLE cold! I would be healed, but I am not allowed to take Mucinex & there is seriously NOTHING out there that I'm allowed to take that helps. Honestly, I don't know how I will be able to get over this without taking something legit. This is the worst cold I've ever had (and the longest).
I can't sleep at night, bc I can't breathe. Last night, I had acid reflux & coughed up some vomit! AWESOME! And I have the worst headache! blah, blah, blah.
Jimmy & I did, however, put the crib together! The room isn't exactly how I would like to have it, but ya gotta deal with what space you have. And the crib looks awesome! I would put in some pics, but I haven't had my shower, so there isn't any bedding.
I need to go work on pictures for the paper, so I will write later!
Only 32 more days until I get to find out the sex of the baby!!!!! There have only been 4 votes so far, make sure to lock yours in. We should be putting money down for this or something.
The baby has been REALLY active the past couple of days. From the rumblings last night, I'd say It's going to be a kick boxer.
This is the 2nd morning I've waken up with a sore throat. Not cool! I can't take anything for it. Well at least not anything that will actually make it go away.
Well, I might have said this before, but I'm really noticing the whole breathlessness while I'm on walks. It's like I don't have the lung capacity to keep moving. We went to the gym today & my legs are feeling REALLY good after our workout. Then we visited Jimmy's mom in the hospital, she had hip replacement surgery. After I ate her lunch.....the baby was kicking like crazy. She wanted to see if she could feel it. So, we waited patiently for the baby to kick again. Then we both jumped & smiled, bc the baby kicked a big one! It was cool! If this baby is as active out of the womb {ew, I don't like that word} as it is in the....uterus, we are in for some major running afters. That could be fun for awhile, but I'm sure it will get old fast. haha
I also found out that another one of my friends is pregnant. That's at least 5 babies born in the same "school" year! What is in the water?
Alrighty, gotta keep keepin' on...
I'm feeling the baby a lot at night. Yesterday, before I embarked on my cushion conquest, I decided that I NEEDED to get stuff done aside from the cush'. So I went to Target. My Mecca. I went there to buy some maternity pieces, but only left with one. I ended up shopping in the regular sized clothes & just got mediums instead of smalls. Except I found an orange jacket in a small that fit perfectly! And just in time for school spirit Friday (I work today). Anyway, as I was making it over to the rest of the store(1.5 hours later), I slowly walked by the baby stuff. omg. I found the CUTEST little reindeer stuffed animal! I HAVE to have that! But since this isn't the baby's 1st Christmas, I decided that I'll wait until that cute little stuffed deer goes on sale. {so it will probably be gone when I come back} Then onto the outfit aisle! UGH! Seriously!!!???!!! How many more days until I can buy this little nugget so many clothes, it'll make your head spin?
HA! I don't know how long I will be able to keep that Blog Title picture up, bc it grosses us out, BUT it also makes me laugh. I went to the Knocked Up movie site page & they have a stupid thing where you can take 2 pix of each other & mash them together to see what your baby will look like. Obviously, since the movie is hilarious, they make the "babies" look goofy.
Or it's just that Jimmy & I are goofy looking. Who knows?
Either way, hopefully our baby will be cuter than any of those pictures.
wow! I seriously have spent EVERY waking hour on this dang cushion (if I wasn't subbing). After 10 hours of work today, I am almost done. All I have left is find buttons, sewing them on, and making buttonholes. I have never made buttonholes before, so that should be interesting. Throughout this entire project, I have only messed up once. And it wasn't a huge mistake, took me about 15 min or so to fix. Even though it isn't completely finished, I must say, it looks pretty damn good. I'm rather impressed with myself. I had my doubts, but deep down I knew I could do it. I keep looking at it and thinking, "I hate you. But you are amazing looking."
My new project is reupholstering the footstool. I took the frame off tonight, to see what I'm getting myself into. OF COURSE, it's not just: cut fabric, staple fabric to object. That would be too phenomenal. Ugh. Shoot me now.
My back is killing me & I have a huge headache. I better go to bed, so I can start a new day of sewing! WOO (f-ing) HOO!
36 more days....
can't come soon enough.
Um....I think my belly got bigger since the last time I posted, which was like 3 DAYS AGO! The baby has been really active today, too. When I eat, I can feel the baby moving around. Maybe It doesn't like the healthy food I'm feeding it. Who knows?
I've been working on the cushion for the rocking chair. Let me just say it has been a real pain in the ass- no pun intended. I am making it from scratch. No pattern- whatsoever. I mean, I have made (sewn) a lot of things in my past, but I wouldn't necessarily call myself a sewing virtuoso. I know the basics & that has gotten me by so far.
looks easy enough...no.
I've been working on the cushion for the rocking chair. Let me just say it has been a real pain in the ass- no pun intended. I am making it from scratch. No pattern- whatsoever. I mean, I have made (sewn) a lot of things in my past, but I wouldn't necessarily call myself a sewing virtuoso. I know the basics & that has gotten me by so far.
my "plans"
After I finally came up with a plan for the armrests, my mom reminded me that I have to turn the fabric inside out after I'm done sewing it. CRAP! I remembered that when making the seat pattern, but totally forgot about it for this part. Good thing I hadn't started to actually sew. Thanks for the save mom! :)
So I'm off to go work on that dang cushion. I can't wait until this "little" project is over!
I keep adding more to this post, bc I'm afraid to get started on this. Oh yeah, I have to dry my hair first....
38 more days!!!!!!

We have a fundraiser to go to tonight & all of the prizes are alcoholic. Well, crap. What am I supposed to do with that? HaHa.
The Baby's First Pumas

Our baby's first kicks! After feeling the baby going loco, kicking around in the uterus, I think it will DEFINITELY need these! They were the only ones left, I could have registered for them, but NO WAY was I taking that chance! I just HAD to get them. If this is going to be my baby, it has to have awesome shoes! I just have to make sure we don't wear our Pumas on the same day.
registered today...
As we were walking through the toy aisle, Jimmy laughed when he read this: 12 inch Pooh!
I mean seriously, how can you put that up there and not laugh about it?

Ugh! The bottle section! I LOATHE the bottle section. I finally decided on a bottle & of course, if I need replacement parts, the only place I can get them is @ Walmart ONLINE! It's whatever, but Come ON MAN! Why do they have to make that so difficult?
We spent 2 friggin' hours registering, my feet & my back hurt. I am fine if I never have to register ever again! haha. It was a lot of fun looking through the clothes though.
Ugh! The bottle section! I LOATHE the bottle section. I finally decided on a bottle & of course, if I need replacement parts, the only place I can get them is @ Walmart ONLINE! It's whatever, but Come ON MAN! Why do they have to make that so difficult?
Had my check-up appt today. Everything went well. I've still only gained 5 lbs and the baby is doing great. He said I could stop gaining weight & as long as my uterus was still expanding & the baby is healthy, I'm good to go. Which my uterus is expanding, I think it even got bigger since we left the office.
We got to hear the heartbeat again. It is SOOOOO strong, in the 140's per minute. My doc said, "You didn't find out the sex did ya?" I guess if I don't find out, he doesn't get to know. HAHA. We're thinking it's bc he will slip & tell us.
I asked the nurse & the doc why I'm not getting that huge yet, they said it's bc this is my first pregnancy & my abs were really strong to begin with, so it's going to take them longer to expand. The nurse said, "Think of a balloon, when you first blow it up, it's hard to expand, but if you let the air out & blow it up again, it's really loose." Grrrrrrreat, so the next time I get pregnant, I'm going to blow up like a balloon. haha.
I still think it's loco that they didn't tell him the gender. That's just funny.
I'm so glad this day is fairly over. It was FILLED! Now we can chillax on our new couch!
Are you sure?
I almost just took a pregnancy test. I seriously don't feel pregnant still. I can feel the baby move and all, but for some reason I just don't feel pregnant. What the heck is going on? Am I just in denial?
It's the weirdest thing. Maybe after the shower, while I'm setting up the nursery, it'll hit me...
I really want some cupcakes right now.
Wow. I'm in my 21st week!?!?! I'm over halfway through this?!?! I hope all of my pregnancies are like this {if there are anymore}. I went to the football game the other night & was freezing, so when I got home I took a warm bath. I could see my belly move when the baby kicked. It was the weirdest/coolest thing. Last night, I was watching a movie with Nicole, & the baby was kicking like crazy. It was almost as if it was on its back throwing a temper tantrum kicking its legs as hard & quickly as it could. Quite amusing. I was thinking, maybe it doesn't want me to eat anymore. So I stopped noshing on food. I was stuffed anyway. I've learned that enough is enough. It's like drinking. I know when I've had enough- - it's just a matter of me quitting. :)
Tomorrow, I have another check-up. I hope the Doc doesn't slip & tell me the gender of this little nugget. We should be able to hear the heartbeat through a stethoscope as well. That's pretty cool. I hope all is going well with Da Baby.
Yesterday, I went through some more stuff that people gave me. Cleaned some more toys, some feeding utensils, a bassinet, and a diaper bag for Jimmy. My dishwasher is filled with some baby stuff & it is the most colorful wash ever! All of the bowls & spoons are made with bright, fun colors! Just another thing that makes babies seem like so much fun. haha.
Well, I'm off to start my day. I slept in a tit bit late today, but hey the clocks fell back, so it looks like I didn't sleep in that late.
So, I was subbing for Foods today & the kids were making eggs. One girl was making Dippy Do eggs (over easy) & I was saying how I love that kind & I'm awesome at making them. She made one for me, I thanked her, but told her I can't eat them. She asked why, I said, "Well, I'm pregnant. You can't eat them when your knocked up bc of the bacteria in the raw parts." So that half of the class looked straight to my gut (as most people do-when you say you're preggo). They were so excited for me. They were even giving me High-5's. HAHA! They asked how far I was, if I have any names picked out, if I know the sex.... Of course they all had suggestions for names...THEIR OWN! It was fun talking about it. Two of the girls (one of my former vb players) & one football player were really intrigued by it. Alyssa said she will make a list of names for me. :)
Then the next class I had was Child Development. How ironic.... One of the girls is taking home a baby for the weekend. You know, one of those classroom baby dolls that never stops crying. I was saying I should take one home for a weekend to see if I fail. HA! After realizing my idea of how she could go to the football game tonight, I think I would fail. haha.
So I have to go back to work, I think I'm going to work on my registry while the kids are doing their HW. Hey! It's a Study Hall! It's not like I have to teach anything. :)
xoxo knocked up girl
the tingles...
So I am an all over sleeper. Before I got pregnant, I usually fell asleep on my back & woke up on my face. I've read that while pregnant, I should sleep on my left side with a body pillow. Hasn't been a problem, but the past couple of mornings, I've started noticing that my whole right arm keeps falling asleep. It's like I have carpel tunnel syndrome. So last night, I tried sleeping on my right side, {in my head, I thought that would make a difference} but my right arm still fell asleep. This morning, I went on the good ol' world wide web to see that it is just another strange side effect of being pregnant. Because of the change in blood flow, hormones, blah, blah, etc.... pregnant women tend to get carpel tunnel. wow. that sucks. Let's hope THAT goes away after the baby is born!
I've got 3 votes so far on the Gender Guessing! And they all say the same thing. I wonder what that means.....
Wow! Tomorrow is going to be the "halfway point." I can't believe I have been pregnant for 139 days! When I think about that, I feel like it has gone by fast. But, I also feel like it is taking forever! OMG! I can't believe that I am going to have a baby!!! This is crazy! I registered some more today. It's still kinda hard, because I don't know what the gender is.
I went to the gym today, just went on the bike for 30 min, while reading a magazine & watching tv {so I really didn't work that hard}. I feel better after doing that. I was feeling a little sick the past couple of days. I also weighed myself {it's the same scale I've been using this whole pregnancy}. I have gained 5 lbs since I found out I was knocked up. Guess that means I can have some ice cream tonight during my date! I haven't been working out, really. And I also haven't been dieting. *ooh the baby just kicked!* I think the weight is just coming from the little nugget I have growing inside of me!
Not only am I SUPER excited about having this baby around. I'm also excited that Jimmy gets to be a Dad, our parents get to finally be GRANDparents, and our siblings get to be uncles & an aunt! That is pretty cool. This is going to be such a great experience for all of us. I love having a close family, and holidays are like a drug for me. So now that our family is going to have a new addition, the holidays are about to get even BETTER! Christmas morning will never be the same now that I'll have someone who believes in Santa again! I know that won't last long, so I am going to soak it all in when I get the chance. Man, I better run up to Dodd & get my lens that I want.
We have a rocking chair in the baby's room. It's been in the family for years & I wanted to use it instead of getting a glider. {sentimental value trumps new comfy stuff} BUT, now I have to figure out what to do to make it comfy. I can't just go out and buy a cushion. Nobody sells them. Soooooo, being the crafty biznotch that I am, I think I am going to have to make my own. Not looking forward to that, but I need SOMETHING cushy. *is that a word? - - it is now.*
The Bump....

Last night, some people asked if I really am pregnant. When I told Jessica & Brittany, they were like, "No way! Well, how far are you? [20 weeks] NO FRIGGIN' WAY!" I must have hidden it well in my 20 layers of clothing. It was like, what, 10º out? I should have measured under my ribs at the beginning & then measured as I went along. I keep looking at that pic, I can't believe how big I look already! {and how PALE I am.}
weekly update
How far along: 19 weeks
Maternity clothes: yes. I feel comfy in the t-shirts. I'm going to wait until I'm a little bigger to buy more.
Stretch marks: can we PLEASE not say that? That's it. I'm deleting this from the update.
Sleep: huh? that is all i want to do. but who has time to sleep all day? especially, when you have so much to work on.
Best moment this week: seeing the baby at the major ultrasound!! the BUTTON NOSE!
Movement: definitely feeling it! I wish Jimmy could feel it kick, too
Food cravings/aversions: ice cream, cookies, juicy fruit, pasta, orange juice, and a cheeseburger from Steak-n-Shake
Gender: could have found out on Tuesday, but we chose to wait. AHH! I can't wait to find out!!!
What I miss: SUSHI, margaritas, mojitos, energy, volleyball, and having my period. HA! no....i don't miss that at all!
What I am looking forward to: seeing the room completely finished & furnished, complete with baby & all. oh, and registering some more.
What I have learned: pregnancy really wears you out.
Milestones: having the big ultrasound & sort of interacting with the baby
19 week ultrasound

I love how it's looking away like, "no, I don't want to have my picture taken today, thank you very much!" Actually, this scan kinda creeps me out. It was so cool so see the baby move around though.
There's its foot & that is a knee next to it. The baby was sitting Indian Style. You just can't see the other leg. I was shocked to see how big the feet were. I said, "omg! It has Mikey's feet!" But I read that the hands & feet are disproportioned to the body at this point. [they are bigger] So that makes sense & is reassuring. Haha.
We got to see the fingers, too. Jimmy & I were saying that we could sit and watch that ultrasound all day & not be bored. :)

At the beginning, the baby had NO problems holding still & posing. We got a good profile shot here. And Jimmy & Nicole said, "It looks like the baby is already singing into a microphone!" Haha. That would make sense if it's our baby.
I've been waiting for 5 months to see this baby's little button nose in an ultrasound! And now that I've seen it, I can't stop looking at it. I think it kinda looks like my sister. I know, I know. You can't really tell who it looks like yet. But I have a creative mind. And I think it looks like her. :)
The ultrasound technician said the baby looks like it's healthy & exactly where it should be at this point. She said we did a great job in making a perfect baby. She probably says that to everyone, but it was nice to hear anyway. Erin said, "the baby looks crammed in there. I think it's pissed." haha! It totally did looked crammed!
The tech said the baby is about 7" long [ctr] and about 1/2 a pound. There is NO WAY a baby that long is in there.
I felt a lot of movement today. I was nonstop working around the house, and now I have some cramping. So I'm just going to take it easy tonight & eat some ice cream. :)
I like the ticker down below saying that in 20 weeks I can have a margarita....or 5. That's is great! :) Now my mouth is watering for a 'rita! The room is all painted & just waiting for a crib & changing table to move in for Da Baby!!! I will post pics later tonight, hopefully. After we get the curtains up, I will need to start focusing on the Red Room. I have to clear that room out & organize it. It will now be the workout/Daisy's room. [still known as the Red Room, of course]. It is such a mess in there! I have a lot of garage sale stuff piled up in a corner. I'm almost thinking of just donating all of it to the church. That would be so much easier.
I feel the baby kicking around more often now, and after seeing the ultrasound on Tuesday, the whole pregnancy seems a little more real. Still not totally real, though. I don't know why. It just hasn't fully hit me yet. I'm halfway through and I still don't feel pregnant. I just feel tired & nothing fits me right. It's the weirdest thing! Hopefully in a couple of weeks it will kick in.
18.2- - Baby Daddy's Birthday
It's hard to believe that the baby is already as big as they say it is. I'm kinda showing, but it doesn't seem like I am showing THAT much! I guess the baby weighs about 1/2 a pound & is about 5.5" long [head-butt]. TGIF, bc that means we only have 3 more full days until we get to SEE the baby for the big ultrasound! I'm really excited for this one! It'll be my first REAL ultrasound! I can't believe that I'm about halfway thru this! It feels like it will never end, but it also feels like I just found out I was pregnant. hehe.
I was told that swimming is a good way to keep in shape during pregnancy, so I went to the gym & swam yesterday. I felt sooooooo good afterwards. My legs are sore today, but it was worth it! And the other day, I felt a big flutter! :)
I have to go teach Home Ec right now, but I will keep ya posted!
Well I got a chance to tell my dad's side of the family the good news! It was pretty cool. We had everyone over for Sue's 50th birthday party. It was such a great time! I love the laughter that belches out with us. I can't wait to spend the holidays with the new baby at all of the family get-togethers. It'll be fun to watch them grow-up with their cousins.
The room has been put on hold for about 2 weeks or so. Hopefully, this week coming up will be open enough to get cracking. I work a lot this week, but I really want to get that room painted! The bathroom project took priority, and that should be done by Friday. This month has been non-stop. I just want to curl up on the couch under a huge blanket and sleep for about 3 weeks. Is that so bad?
Big appointment next Tuesday! I'll have pictures to post!
Weekly Update
How far along: 17 weeks
Maternity clothes: bought some!!! Don't totally need them yet, but I have a feeling I will in about 2 weeks
Stretch marks: not yet......
Sleep: kinda. been going to bed too late. and stress is keeping me from sleeping. I did however have a GREAT night's sleep 2 nights ago!
Best moment this week: hearing the heartbeat for the first time {for me} I didn't hear anything last time. oh & registering!
Movement: yeah! when I lay down I feel it moving around
Food cravings/aversions: orange juice, GOOD coffee, Funyuns (twice), bread
Gender: this week I don't want to find out, but I will be able to in 2 weeks, bc the BIG ultrasound is then!
What I miss: my flat stomach. wine. volleyball
What I am looking forward to: The next appointment! I can't wait to see the little nugget!
What I have learned: registering is hard when you don't know the sex of the baby.
Milestones: buying maternity clothes & feeling the baby move
I like to move it...move it...
Alrighty, volleyball is almost over. That means it's GYM TIME! I have to stay active or these pounds are going to pack on quickly. I need a super gradual weight gain if I want to make it outta this safely. haha. Speaking of being active, this baby is swimming all over the place! I feel it! And it is a really cool feeling!!
I'm back to the "I don't want to know the sex" thoughts. Jimmy & I started the registry yesterday, and not knowing the sex actually made it pretty difficult. UGH! Why is this such a hard decision?!? Why don't I just stick to the plan? Find out the first one, be surprised for the next. Eh, why would I stick to it? That would make life too easy. Haha. Anyway, I had a lot of fun registering & I can't wait to go back out for more! I should pick a day with Carey & Carrie, we could all go to lunch & then register for baby stuff. :) Since they are both moms, they can give me an insight on what I really need & don't need. Each of them have 2 kiddos, so they know their stuff! 2 boys/2 girls. Best of both worlds!
Now I just have to find the time....
gong gong.....gong gong....
I heard the heartbeat for the first time this morning! It was very strong! Pretty cool! In 2 weeks, we have the big ultrasound appointment! My doc said, "Ok, you guys have 2 weeks to figure out if you want to know the sex or not." That's a lot of pressure. haha. I really want to start registering, and I do think it will be easier, if I know the sex. {even though I want to register for a lot of unisex stuff}
But, I really like the idea of being surprised. UGH! the choices! So I have NO IDEA what I want to do. I told the doc to just write it down, and if I decide then I will open it later.
I know the benefits of finding out & I know the fun of not knowing. So, I'm torn. I know for a FACT that if I have anymore kiddos, I will NOT find out early.
So I definitely have been feeling the baby doing somersaults. It's a pretty awesome feeling. I can't wait until Jimmy can feel it move. Yes, I still refer to the baby as an "it."
I also have noticed some other, not-s0-appealing pregnancy symptoms: most of the time when I sneeze- I pee a little. That's just great. :/ Also, someone gave me a huge bear hug saturday night, peed a little. That day alone, I think I had to change my underwear 4 times.
Another symptom: Pregnancy "dumbness" exactly. I don't know if that is even a word. I can't form words, or type.* I have used the backspace button about 80 times for JUST this paragraph. It's like my brain just doesn't want to work. That is really handy when you are teaching a class or giving a great pump-up speech to your volleyball players. NOT!
Another: clumsiness. again. not sure if that is a word. Now, I know I can have my moments & be a little clumsy at times, but THIS, this is riDIC! I have bruises all over from running into things. I have slipped or slightly fallen a few times. I drop EVERYTHING. I'm dangerous.
So that's that for now. I have to go finish up some laundry before I need to head over to the school to coach.
*I should have left all of my mistakes in here. Just to show that I am SERIOUS about how often I had to press BACKSPACE. about 106 times now.
gettin' back into the groove...
So I decided that I need to get back into the gym. I've been so busy working & being tired for 4 months that I have neglected my body. With volleyball coming to a close next week :) I need to fill that void with working out at the gym.
I eased myself back into it today. I did the Hill on the treadmill for 20 min at 3 mph {i'm pregnant & haven't worked out in awhile- give me a break}, 30 lunges, 30 squats with 5 lb weights, 20 calf raises, & 20 step-up thing-a-ma-jigs. Honestly, that was good enough for me.
Well, I guess I really didn't want to push it too far, next time I will hopefully go a little faster on the treadmill. I walk faster than that at a normal pace. I just didn't want to over do it today.
After my workout, I weighed myself. I have gained a total of 3 lbs during my entire pregnancy so far. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. I really don't think it matters, but I find it strange that I have only gained 3 lbs & my stomach is huge. Where the hell is all that weight? My boobs are bigger, too. How have I not gained more weight? Trust me...I'm not complaining. I'm just wondering.
I kinda want some ice cream....ugh. damnit.
oh yeah!
I did it! I bought my first maternity wardrobe. And might I say it all looks great! I ordered most of it online. Then I went to Target and tried on some more. Well the pants I got from online are going to be way to big. I went up a size bigger than I wear now, but even the size I wear now is baggy. So I don't know. Plus online, I can order those pants in Long. The ones I bought in-store are NOT a long. And I may want to take the hem out. I can only wear them with flats right now.
The other things I got are staples like black & white tees. So I didn't go crazy and buy a ton of stuff. But I was looking in the mirror last night & there is DEFINITELY a bump there. Looks like I'm really going to have to start getting creative.
I'm so excited! Only 4 more weeks!!!! Then I can make the decision on whether to know or not. Ugh. That is soooo far away! Oh I felt the baby moving again yesterday! Very cool!
tired & numb
I can't believe how cold it is already! My fingers are numb. I had to sub this morning & I didn't feel well. I did however, have on the cutest outfit, bc I was trying to hide any sort of "bump" that I may have.
I guess the good thing about being pregnant right now is that you can layer, layer, layer {with thin material} and still look cute. Because that is what is in anyway!
Well I have to take a nap before I need to get back to the school & coach volleyball.
I'm struggling.
Sunday Dinner
My mom's side of the family gets together every Sunday for dinner. I decided that I wanted them to come over to my house one week. I made chili, which I had a ton of compliments on. Jimmy & I decided that we wanted to tell everyone the good news. So we also invited his mom's side of the family as well.
My mom, my uncle Ron, Jimmy's aunt Jeanne, Leslie's friend Brit, and my uncle Dennis. There were about 25 people there.
Now we have to find a time to tell the Dads' sides of the family.
the nursery
Ok...so I came up with how I want to paint the room! There really isn't a theme yet. But that's ok by me. I'm still on the fence about finding out the sex. If I do find out, then I will be able to have more of a theme.
Sorry this picture is so blurry. I obviously wasn't trying to win any awards with this shot. So this is what the room looked like before. I really like the green we chose 7 yrs ago, so I had the paint lady try to match that as close as possible. We bought that paint at Lowe's. The new paint is from Home Depot & might I just add, it is AWESOME paint! The Behr Premium. All you really need is one coat. I did 2 just because I had more paint.
This is after one coat.
1. It isn't dry yet {so it should darken}
2. The color is more like the before picture than this. In this shot, it looks like vibrant pea soup. NOT what it looks like in person. haha
So anyway, I did a pretty good job, considering that I shouldn't be painting at all. I had the window open and a tiny little fan sucking the fumes outside. I also wore gloves & a dust mask thingy, & took some breaks. So hopefully that kept the little nugget save.
But for doing a room all by my lonesome, I think it is turning out A.O.K. I also had to rip down the chair rail, spackle & sand, too.
I did however run into a leeettle problem. The vent that was up on the wall was painted over, so it was basically glued to the wall. I chiseled away some paint to get the screws moving. Well, only one screw would come out. The other one was basically not screwed into anything, so it wasn't coming out. I used an utility knife to cut around the vent so that when I pulled it off hopefully the surrounding paint wouldn't go with it.
Yeah well, I slipped with the knife and put a little mark on the wall. A few F-bombs later, I had to chisel the rest of the vent off. I then was able to take it off of the wall, but unfortunately part of the wall came with it. There was nothing I could do since the vent was painted over & stuck to the wall. So I screamed, "Why doesn't anyone effing ever help me!? Why am I always doing $h!T for other people?!?" Then my eyes got a little teary, but that honestly only last 2 seconds. {which is crazy bc I'm a crier} I sucked it up & decided I am not helping anyone ever again. That made me satisfied enough to keep working. But we all know I will probably help people, even though I get ABSOLUTELY nothing in return. So instead of crying because nobody would help me, I just kept painting away.
I'm sure for awhile every time I look at that vent, I'm going to get pissed off. Now I have to figure out what to do with the vent. Because, I obviously have to put the same one back up, since it's not standard size. It's the tan color from the paint before, and OF COURSE it sits RIGHT where I am putting stripes.
The electrical outlets were also painted green, from the color before. So, I'm going to see if I could try and use paint thinner to get that off. Definitely something I shouldn't be around, but it's whatever.
*turns out the guy who did stuff to this house before we moved in.....we call him the Caulk Guy....well he CAULKED THE VENT TO THE WALL!!! That is part of the reason why I had so much trouble getting that damn thing off.
Grandma to Be

She's been nagging me for about 4 weeks, "when can I tell my friends?" She wanted me to make her this shirt, and then she was going to wear it to the game. I told her she can only "flash" where she was sitting. haha. So she did, then she just HAD to tell a few other peeps.
Lots of congrats went around that night. Mikey also got to play finally, after being out with a concussion for 2 weeks. And he scored 3 touchdowns! Not too shabby.
I went to a party last night, and I think I was the only one NOT drinking alcohol. Do you know how hard it is to not drink, when EVERYONE knows that you like to? Luckily, my friends are cool & didn't even question it.
Welp, I better get back to painting.
There's no way!
There is no way that my baby looks like that [Kristi's Baby- widget thingy]. That baby has long limbs already! I don't look pregnant enough to have a baby in there with long limbs. It's still just a little-little nugget. I can't believe that I'm only 16 weeks. I feel like I have been pregnant for longer than that.
I know. I know. Don't start saying that now....since I am ONLY 16 weeks. I'm not even halfway there!
I'm still on the teeter of thoughts on finding out the sex. I REALLY like surprises, but I REALLY want to know, too.
I promised myself that I wouldn't start registering until after my 20 week appointment. Well that's 4 weeks away! I don't know if I can wait that long!!!
Can you register for a camera lens? I mean I will need it for when the baby comes!
p.s. I think I felt the baby move last night. It was the coolest thing!!! But I'm still not sure if that was it or not. I should know what gas feels like by now, which is why I'm pretty sure it was the baby. :D
15 weeks!
How far along: 15 weeks exactly, so sad that i know this
Maternity clothes: not yet, but i think i may have to start the rubber band method SUPER soon.
Stretch marks: bound to happen. my belly is starting to itch. not a good sign
Sleep: went to bed fairly late last night but i got a good night's sleep. I have noticed I have more energy now. Not a lot, but more.
Best moment this week: telling a bunch of family members! they are all so excited!
Movement: i'm not sure. i was lying still on the couch & i think i felt something, but it could have just been gas. :)
Food cravings/aversions: I made chili the other night, and the meat didn't bother me. YAY! finally! I haven't really noticed any cravings this past week. Orange juice, maybe.
Gender: apparently, if the baby is in the right spot & we have a way of a clear picture, i can find out. my next appointment isn't for awhile. and i'm still unsure if i want to find out yet or not.
What I miss: still missing the occasional drink, my flat stomach, and sushi
What I am looking forward to: painting the baby's room & registering
What I have learned: nothing. haha
Milestones: totally having somewhat of a bump
Maternity clothes: not yet, but i think i may have to start the rubber band method SUPER soon.
Stretch marks: bound to happen. my belly is starting to itch. not a good sign
Sleep: went to bed fairly late last night but i got a good night's sleep. I have noticed I have more energy now. Not a lot, but more.
Best moment this week: telling a bunch of family members! they are all so excited!
Movement: i'm not sure. i was lying still on the couch & i think i felt something, but it could have just been gas. :)
Food cravings/aversions: I made chili the other night, and the meat didn't bother me. YAY! finally! I haven't really noticed any cravings this past week. Orange juice, maybe.
Gender: apparently, if the baby is in the right spot & we have a way of a clear picture, i can find out. my next appointment isn't for awhile. and i'm still unsure if i want to find out yet or not.
What I miss: still missing the occasional drink, my flat stomach, and sushi
What I am looking forward to: painting the baby's room & registering
What I have learned: nothing. haha
Milestones: totally having somewhat of a bump
dinner party!
Well we had the extended family over for dinner on Sunday. It was my mom's side & Jimmy's mom's side. We told them the good news! Everyone is so excited, duh. I made chili & a lot of people said it was the best chili they have ever had. My little bro doesn't like chili & he said he loves it. haha.
Yesterday, after my game, I told my volleyball girls about the good news as well. They flipped! And Friday, my mom is going to tell some of her friends. It's so nice to finally be "pretty much" in the clear to tell people. I guess I have start telling some people anyway, bc I'm starting to show. Which I think is weird, bc I feel like I shouldn't be showing at all yet. hmm... Oh well.
Today I'm going to go shopping for some stuff for the nursery. Wish me luck!
no news is good news
There is nothing really going on. Yesterday, I couldn't even remember how far along I am. HAHA. I would like to paint the nursery next week, so hopefully there will be some updates to that! We kind of have no shower at the moment, since both of ours are O.O.S., so hopefully that will get done this weekend.
the shower...
So, I was making out my Shower guest list. I have 75 people!!!! That is reDONKulous! I have already tried looking into places to have it. I need some luck! My back-up plan raised their pricing, so we probably can't even afford that anymore! I don't want to have 2 showers, but I need help finding a venue that is affordable!
I want it catered. But if it's $15/plate that's $1140 FOR JUST FOOD! (including me)
Any ideas?
*dad- no smartass comments like "how about we don't feed them." or "let's just skip it altogether." haha
I just read that my baby is the size of my fist. WHOA! That's big! But someone told me it won't be another 3 weeks until I really start to show. That is like FOREVER away!
We have our playoff games tonight. We play one match & then I think the next one is the championship match. My doctor said I should play. UGH! It's the playoffs and my team needs me! I don't know what to do. My parents say don't play. One of my friends says it's ok. I asked my sister to come, so she could fill in for me. Maybe I'll have her play the 1st match for me. Then we could switch for the next one. OR maybe I could just sub in to serve! :) Oh the decisions!
K, I'm about to puke, gotta go make something to eat!
How far along: 13 weeks
Maternity clothes: not yet, but i am starting to feel less comfy in my skinny jeans. they are a size 2, so i don't really feel that bad
Stretch marks: as of this morning, i've only gained 1 lb so far, so if i keep the weight gain going slowly, hopefully i won't have many or any at all
Sleep: didn't get much sleep last night & i have to work this week, which means i will be super tired!
Best moment this week: finding out i can eat clams at the clambake!!!!
Movement: not feeling any yet. but i read it's moving alright. & we saw it moving all over at the ultrasound today
Food cravings/aversions: craving cottage cheese, ice cream, chocolate pie, cupcakes, fruit, & orange juice
Gender: unknown. still not sure if i want to find out yet
What I miss: eating what i want, SLEEP, a flat stomach, not feeling nauseous all of the time
What I am looking forward to: seeing the next ultrasound
What I have learned: being pregnant really isn't that bad....yet.
Milestones: wow. slacking off here. still being awesome at vb even though i'm 13 wks knocked up and shouldn't be playing. hehe
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