

last night:

he slept: 8-10pm, 1-2:40am, woke up for the day @ 7am

and he won't nap!!! needless to say i'm beat as of right now. and i have to shower & clean the house.



to sleep or not to sleep....

Caden likes to wait until about 2AM to finally fall asleep. Now, in the past I stayed up that late or even later. But that was while I was doing stuff. Trying to keep myself awake while I'm trying to rock my baby to sleep is hard. I'm so calming that I put myself to sleep.

Last night, I let him cry/whine for 20 minutes!!! I figured he would just cry himself to sleep. Nope. He wanted me to come in there and hold him. So I went in, cuddled with him and swayed back & forth. Boom. He's out. So I waited a few minutes to make sure he is sleeping. His mouth was wide open, so I knew he was sleeping.

He slept until 11, but I had to leave, so I needed to change him. I think he would have slept longer if I didn't change him. When he opened his eyes he kept smiling. It was the cutest thing. It was like he knew he was doing it.

I just fed him and he passed out in my arms. I put him down & he woke up.

It's gonna be another long night & I already have a headache from my contacts. awesome.



after grocery shopping easter morning:

Look Who's a Month Old!!!


power to the people pose


the "what are you doing to me?" pose


the "i'll remember this day!" pose

blue steel pose



4 weeks today!

I can't believe Cade is 4 weeks old today!!! He's starting to get into a sleep routine at night. If I put him down at 11pm he wakes up at 3am & 8am. That's fine with me! But if he goes down at around 8:45 then he gets up at 2 & 5. UNCOOL! So I guess he's a nightowl like his mommy & grandma. Last night he went to bed around 11:30 and didn't wake up until 5:30 then 9:30. Not too bad, but I was REALLY tired and ready for bed around 10- so that part sucked.

He's sleeping right now. Of course.

I went shopping for him & bought some 0-3M sized clothes. He is growing out of the newborn sized stuff, but not quite into the 3 month size yet. I can't wait to see him in his new outfits! :)

I haven't actually seen him that much yet today, I was running errands & he was with his grandma leff. He woke up from a nap & I took him into Daisy's room to hold him in front of the mirror. I was talking to him and asking him who was in the mirror & he smiled. It was sooooo cute. Like he was happy to see himself...or me. Either way, it was awesome. It would figure that our kid likes to look at himself in the mirror. haha.


some pictures from my phone

chillin' in his CF colors about to go cheer on his dad at the baseball game
first trip to Chipolte
Just awake....during the day!
saying hi to out-of-towners

Oh My


Jenna sent Caden this hoodie. I can't believe how grown up he looks in it.

So adorable.

Look who stopped by for a visit!

After a Bath



I dried his hair with a towel & this is what happened. Then I tried brushing it down, but it stayed like this.

Last Night




Well, last night, I couldn't get him to fall asleep until about 12:30. Then he didn't wake up until 3. He fell asleep at 3:30 & didn't wake me up until 8!!! That's awesome! This baby rocks!

Our 1st Walk into Town


It was BEAUTIFUL outside last Sunday! We went on 2 walks into town. Caden loves stroller rides. I was a little uneasy about the sidewalks. They are so crappy that his head was bobbin' around. That CAN'T be good for his neck! So I walked really slowly when we were on a stretch of bad sidewalks.

Hey! i'm his mom & a first time mom at that. I'm gonna be a little worried about his neck support!!

We met up with the Boylan girls at the park & got to take Daisy for a walk, too.


Then he finally met some relatives from my mom's side of the family. They all get together EVERY Sunday for dinner at my Aunt Jan's house. I think that is sooo cool. It's nice to have a close family like that. I think it would be cool to have one night a week to get together with friends & family for dinner. Oooh, I should build my deck in the backyard & get it started.


Then we went for walk #2 & met up with Nicole & Jeremy. Had some ice cream & coffee. It was a great day!


did a lot of this today...


startled pose





loves to be in his daddy's arms


Pondering, "do I get up or not?"



his crib


He finally got some crib time!


I think he liked it.

Don't worry, we will take the stuff out when he starts to rollover.

Yay! I was so thrilled that my grandma got to meet Caden! She had a cold for awhile, so she wasn't able to. Now we just need to have a girl next so I can get a 4 generation shot!


Papa holding him right before he is about to eat. The kid likes to eat! And Kim is holding him, too. The little guy got lots of kisses that weekend! I'm glad she was able to fly up here to meet him!!!


His Grandpap & Grandma at the Pancake Breakfast. I was asked to be in the picture too, but I'm afraid of mascots. What? They are freaky!!!


Whew! Big weekend. He is worn out! Taking a nap, so he can be well rested for the night & keep us up. :)

Chillin' in the Boppy


This little guy likes to fall asleep every time he eats. Here he is totally out on the left after eating. And on the right he is wide awake. Looks like he is doing the Thriller dance.


I'm pretty sure he is thinking "I'm super darn cute, huh mom?"


Who's the man? Caden's the man! This is a pose in need of some sun and a lounge chair.


Crazy startled pose


Bless you!

2 weeks down

Having a 2 week old is very time consuming. I'm not able to get much done. The boy literally eats every hour. He's on for about 30 min each feeding, then it takes 10 min to try to get him to burp. So you'd think that would leave me 20 min every hour to get something done....nope. For some reason that isn't possible. He just finished eating & is sleeping in my arms right now. Pretty sure if I put him in his bassinet or crib he'd wake up.

I'm allowed to gradually get back into working out now, so I'd really like to go to the gym. Kinda hard to do when you're breastfeeding & your baby does a better job at getting the milk out than your pump.

Pumping. Ugh! Biggest pain in the ass! My goal is to strictly pump, so I don't have to be the only one who feeds him & so that I can have a life & have his grandparents watch him for a little bit. Well that isn't working out so well. And I'm getting really pissed about it. I've only tried about 5 times. One day went really well, but yesterday was discouraging. I don't frickin get it.

I don't want to give up though, so it looks like I won't have a life or go to the gym for another 4 mos.


I'm sitting here updating my other blog, and Cade is sleeping laughing again. He is passed out & giggling in his sleep. It's sooooo cute.

Last night he let us sleep about 4.5 hours uninterrupted! That was nice! Yet for some reason, I'm still soooo tired today. We took him down to the FD to meet some people at the pancake breakfast. There are a lot of kiddos down there now. It's really cute. It's funny how all of us are having kids now. That will be fun for them to grow up together.

He hit a growth spurt over the weekend so he has been eating a lot. He is also a little fussy from the growing pains. I feel bad for him, bc I had growing pains so badly as a kid. I finally got his photo shoot in last week, so I was able to order some birth announcements.

Can't wait to send them out!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers


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