It was BEAUTIFUL outside last Sunday! We went on 2 walks into town. Caden loves stroller rides. I was a little uneasy about the sidewalks. They are so crappy that his head was bobbin' around. That CAN'T be good for his neck! So I walked really slowly when we were on a stretch of bad sidewalks.
Hey! i'm his mom & a first time mom at that. I'm gonna be a little worried about his neck support!!
We met up with the Boylan girls at the park & got to take Daisy for a walk, too.

Then he finally met some relatives from my mom's side of the family. They all get together EVERY Sunday for dinner at my Aunt Jan's house. I think that is sooo cool. It's nice to have a close family like that. I think it would be cool to have one night a week to get together with friends & family for dinner. Oooh, I should build my deck in the backyard & get it started.

Then we went for walk #2 & met up with Nicole & Jeremy. Had some ice cream & coffee. It was a great day!
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