
There's no way!

There is no way that my baby looks like that [Kristi's Baby- widget thingy]. That baby has long limbs already! I don't look pregnant enough to have a baby in there with long limbs. It's still just a little-little nugget. I can't believe that I'm only 16 weeks. I feel like I have been pregnant for longer than that.

I know. I know. Don't start saying that now....since I am ONLY 16 weeks. I'm not even halfway there!

I'm still on the teeter of thoughts on finding out the sex. I REALLY like surprises, but I REALLY want to know, too.

I promised myself that I wouldn't start registering until after my 20 week appointment. Well that's 4 weeks away! I don't know if I can wait that long!!!

Can you register for a camera lens? I mean I will need it for when the baby comes!

p.s. I think I felt the baby move last night. It was the coolest thing!!! But I'm still not sure if that was it or not. I should know what gas feels like by now, which is why I'm pretty sure it was the baby. :D

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