I do notice that when I walk (exercising) I start to cramp up or contract, so maybe I should just jump on the elliptical and get moving. Not too crazily of course. Just a slow pace.
We tried bowling the other night, hoping that would do the trick. Nope.

Going bowling again this weekend though, so maybe that will be the last straw! :)
I'm doing laundry today {BOOOO} and I notice that when I pick up the baskets my lower abs contract again. Maybe doing laundry will get this ball rolling. I know the baby will be born when he is ready, but I'm not late for anything, and I certainly do NOT want to be late for this. If he is in there over 40 weeks I will rip him out myself. ew. mental picture.
He still moves around a lot. Maybe I can coax him into wanting to be born a little early.
I think everything is ready, now we are just playing the waiting game. I don't like that game very much.
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