Sorry this took so long!
So Monday, I was definitely in early labor. That is some painful shizz. My contractions were finally 5 minutes apart, so the doc said go straight to L&D!
Jimmy came home from work & drove me over there. My mom met up with us. I felt like a total tool being wheeled down that long hallway. There was a food service lady in the hall, and she let us take a shortcut up to LDR. She was eating potato chips in front of me, just to make me hungry. bitch. haha jk.
They put me in a room & got me all situated. Every nurse I had while I was there was AMAZING! We had fun watching the screen for my contractions. It was cool that Jimmy & my mom could tell him when it was starting to go down. I downed a bunch of popsicles that day. And ice chips- WOW those are AMAZING!!!!! I had to have the IV in the back of my hand. I wasn't too thrilled about that. And I bled all over my wedding ring. Gross. The contractions were seriously horrendous. I was still only dilated at a 2. WTF! If they send me home, I'm gonna flip out! I don't really remember the progression of my dilation. I do remember throwing up orange popsicle & it tasting good, and that I wanted another one after that. Ew, no I didn't.
The nurse said that if I didn't dilate more that the Doc would probably send me home the next morning. Then she checked I was at a 4, I believe. Good work! I had to have my water broken. I asked if she did it yet, and she did. I thought I would feel a gush or something- nope. Then at night she gave me an Ambien to help me sleep a little. Yeah, that didn't work. The contractions were so horrible. Then she gave me some Demoral to take the edge off a little. I don't even remember if that worked at all. I do remember being dilated at a 6 or 8 around 7Am, so I got an epidural and life was PERFECT! No more back pain, no more labor pain, I was passed out! Finally, some sleep. I was sleeping but I could still hear people and feel that I had contractions. They didn't hurt at all, I just knew they were there. Which I didn't mind. I could hear Jimmy & my mom look @ the monitor- "Whoa! That one went up to 108! I'm glad she didn't feel it." My nurse had to go to a meeting, she said she will be back in 30 minutes & to not have the baby while she is gone.
I finally woke up & was about take another nap, but the Doc came in. "Ok, let's see if you're dilated anymore. OMG! There's the head!" - "What?" - "Yeah, Dad do you want to see your baby's blonde hair?" We all jumped in amazement. The head is coming out already? I was just going to take another nap! Haha! How the hell did I not feel that?
So, they prepped me up. I said, "Amy [the nurse who left] is gonna be pissed!" It was time to push. Delivery was NOT AT ALL what I expected. In movies & tv they make it seem like it's this super horrible, painful experience. I must have had a super dose of epidural, bc I didn't feel ANY pain! And I must be good at "bearing down like I'm gonna take a dump" bc I only had to push for about an hour. They said that was a quick delivery for a first time mom. Must be from all that working out I did. {patting myself on the back}
As his shoulders & the rest of his body came out, I could feel my stomach sink down. It was the weirdest feeling.....ever. But so cool at the same time. They put him on my stomach & didn't cry at first. But for some reason, I wasn't worried. It was like I knew the Doc would handle it. And she did. He burst out a loud cry & they swept him away to prepare him for me. He wasn't all gooey like most babies. Super clean. And a hairy little bugger. {that explains the HORRIBLE heartburn} He had the BLONDEST hair, too. So adorable.

He scored a 9 out of 10 on his APGAR test! Good work kiddo!
Welcome to the world Caden James!
7 lbs 7 oz
20.5 in
Born March 22 @ 1:55PM
More to come!