That's it!
I have one more full day to wait until I get to find out the sex of this baby. I did some last minute shopping tonight with my little brother & I started to get some pains in my lower abdomen. They really hurt. I think I just need to take it easy. But I can't I've gained a ton of weight & I have to do an EXTREME shopping spree the day after Christmas. These pains will have to wait.
I just had dinner & I must have had too much......again. I feel like I'm going to puke. And I wanted to go on the elliptical. Hopefully, this feeling will go away. I'm burning up, too. The baby has the hiccups!
It's Here!
I can't believe it! I'm in my 3rd Trimester!!!!! That went by so fast. The baby is already moving around a lot this morning. Which is very reassuring considering that I didn't get any sleep again. Damn heartburn kept me up all night. I got up at 4 & ate some more nasty Tums. When I laid back down, I could feel the Tums coating the stomach acid as it rose through my throat. This was some kickass heartburn, though. The Tums didn't even save the day & they always do! And of course, once again, the only side to lay on to relieve heartburn is not allowed {my right side}. Needless to say, I didn't fall asleep until around 7:30AM....this morning! UGH! I need to get some good night sleeps, bc I know that won't happen once the baby is born.
I can't believe that I get to find out the gender in 3 whole days! So many things to look forward to!
I really need these last 3 months to go by quicker. I can't sleep on my left side anymore. I am not getting any sleep because of it, and then when I "wake up" in the morning, I'm in the worst mood. Honestly, if I was allowed to sleep on my back or right side- I'd be golden.
The baby wasn't all that active yesterday, but I think maybe it's because I was running around a lot getting ready for the Christmas Movie Marathon Day! I made homemade New England Clam Chowder, salad, and toasted subs! We also had some appetizers, too.
As we were watching the movies, I was thinking about what it's going to be like next year with a 9 month around. We probably won't see much of the movies. ha.
My belly is definitely getting bigger, I ran it into the refrigerator door this morning. Didn't realize how much it stuck out. At Schreckmas, my grandma & her friend were telling me some Wives' Tales about pregnancy & figuring out the gender. I just stood there and laughed bc everything they said was the opposite that I've heard so far. Honestly, these little "myths" on how to tell are really quite stupid. People I don't even know come up to me & tell me what I'm having. I appreciate the advice & the stories that all these random mothers tell me, but they are kinda lame, too. I just nod my head & smile, "okay....."
4 more days.....
Schreckmas 2010
lil giraffe

I made this for my little nugget. I made others, but I like this one the best. It's going to be so fun shopping for the baby. I only have 7 more days until Christmas!!!!! And I just got a coupon for Babies-R-Us. Spend $50 on clothes- take $10 off. AND IT EXPIRES DEC 31st!! Guess who is going shopping Dec 26th!
Last night, Jimmy & I busted out the stethoscope and we could hear the baby's heartbeat!!!!!! It also kicked a few times & we could hear that thump, too! It was really cool.
The gender poll is now at 50-50. It is a composite of people who follow & don't follow this blog. 6 say boy & 6 say girl! Well that's no fun.
oh man...
I went on our elliptical for 30 min this morning. Then Jimmy & I went to the gym and did another 30 min of cardio. It's nice because we can change it up. We went on 3 different machines- 10 min each. I could have gone for one more machine, but he isn't feeling well. So I made him do the adduction & abduction machines.
After stretching, I asked my trainer why my stupid quads don't feel like they are getting a good workout. He said that while you're pregnant, you body produces endorphins to make certain pains not occur. Whether or not that is the truth, I'll take it. Only because, I have been trying to work them out pretty hard, and they don't hurt....at.....all. I don't understand. [Oakley is playing with a toy mouse and just attacked the water bowl. There is now water all over the wall & floor...& him] I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, hopefully someday I will notice some definition back into my quads.
My hammies btw, KILL!!!! So at least I know I'm working something out. ha.
8 full days left to go!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh dear. This baby is going nutso. I don't even know why. Maybe it wants me to get up and move around. Speaking of "nuts," according to the weekly emails I got today- if I'm having a boy his balls have started their 3 day journey to drop down. I thought that doesn't happen until they are teens or something. haha. Hmm. Well I guess I can't say I didn't learn something. I also found out that I know another girl who is pregnant. Wow! The tally just keeps getting higher & higher. I think we are up to 9 now {2 of which had their babies just recently}.
Today while I was standing in front of the class, I overheard a girl on the corner of my eye ask the girl next to her if I was pregnant. The other girl knows me & said yes. Then the 2 of us just laughed. Isn't it obvious by now? My belly is HUGE!!!! I've gained 11 friggin pounds!!!! And most of it is clearly in the stomach region.
That reminds me, I have to go do some cardio. peace.
oh man!
We have less than 100 days until we are parents!!!!!!!
I am so excited! This is going to be so much fun! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by. I can't wipe the damn smile off my friggin' face! Oh, nevermind, I can. I have heartburn! Tums will cure that right up. Oooh! And the baby just kicked! "It" has gone loco lately.
Jimmy & I did the legs & back workout of P90X today. I must need to try harder or something, bc I didn't even get out of breath or break a sweat! Are you kidding me? What pregnant lady does that? I hope my legs hurt tomorrow. My knees & ankles are killing me, but that is NOT good.
I keep going back & forth to what gender the baby is. As of tonight, I'm going with a boy.
Ok, gotta go finish up the laundry & go to bed. I have to teach art tomorrow.
Another Snow Day!
Uh Oh! We only get 3 snow days a year now & we've used all of them up. I was supposed to go into work today, so I guess I will just have to start on my shower invites instead. That sounds more fun anyway.
I'm not sure where to start with them, but I'm sure I will figure it out. I better! They have to go out pretty soon!!!!! The shower is Feb 5th & with the holidays I'm not going to have time to deal with the invites.
Here goes nothing....
Well, I have some more verbal votes.
3- boy
We had a check-up appointment this morning. Everything is going well. The heartbeat was at about 144 bpm. The next time I get a picture is at my 36 week appt. Ugh! that's 10 WEEKS AWAY! oh well. Mikey & Nicole got to feel the baby kick for the first time. This kid's kicks & punches are so strong now, that you can see them through my shirt!
The next time I go in, I have to get blood drawn for a gestational diabetes. I have to drink some nasty Glucola drink before I go in. Woo hoo. I'm excited for that one. hahaha NOT!
I remember just the other day telling people I was 24 weeks pregnant. I can't believe that I'm 26 weeks! Where the heck did a whole week go? 12 more days left to vote on this baby's gender. We also found out that one of our friend's from college is going to have a baby. Seriously, those of you who are NOT ready to have kids or just don't want them, BE CAREFUL. There is some kind of epidemic going around. haha.
I don't know if you remember that cold I had....IT STILL HASN'T GONE AWAY! This is such crap!
I have a check-up tomo! Hope all is well! :)
Not-So Weekly Update....
How far along: 26 weeks
Maternity clothes: Finally got some. I still don't really need them though. But I wear them occasionally. I actually just bought a sweater dress thingy in a small, and it fits fine. I did buy 2 pairs of maternity jeans. I have yet to wear them.
Stretch marks: I'm sure they are on their way.
Sleep: I should be in bed right now...dreaming away.
Best moment this week: finding out more of my friends are pregnant & our babies will be in the same grade!
Movement: lots of it. Both the baby & me
Food cravings/aversions: COOKIES, chocolate, orange juice, grilled cheese, clementines, pears, & cottage cheese
Gender: 14 more days
What I miss: my tight, hot bod
What I am looking forward to: Christmas morning & then clothes shopping
What I have learned: labor is going to REALLY suck....a lot.
Milestones: breaking down bc my body is finally looking pregnant & I didn't realize that it would hit me like that. going to the gym & having women ask me about the pregnancy. It's kinda nice to talk about it with strangers.
"Oooh the baby kicked!" seems to be a common phrase outta my mouth these days. {actually, the baby really did kick right there} My bump is getting bigger & bigger by the minute. I can't believe in a few days I will have less than 100 days left of being pregnant. So far I've gained 11 lbs total. I guess that's pretty good.
I'm told that I shouldn't sleep on my back & even try not to sleep on my right side. I keep waking up on my back or my right side. I guess in my sleep, I'm a rebel. I've also noticed that my damn nasal congestion hasn't completely gone away. I will probably be dealing with this for a LONG time. Guaranteed. My lower back hurts [what else is new], my feet hurt, and my knees are in a little pain. Ha! I miss cracking my back. I would LOVE a good back-crackin' right now. I also, could use a total body massage!! That would be amazzzzahzzzzahzzzzing.
Sleep. So here is the thing. I can't get myself to want to GO to sleep. If I just go into bed, and close my eyes, I will be out in about 3 minutes. But I go into bed and either watch tv or read. JUST GO TO SLEEP! I need it!
How many more days until Christmas??????
14....THAT is going to be the LONGEST 2 weeks EVER!
haha. nighty night. [i'm not really going to bed. Who are we kidding?]
Yeah, so I broke down today after Zumba class. The instructor kept telling us to look in the mirror to see how sexy we were. Uh, OBVIOUSLY she didn't see the 25 week pregnant chick in the 2nd row! Because, I did NOT look sexy. I actually looked like a total TOOLBOX complete with a screwdriver up the ass. All of the other times I've done Zumba classes, I seriously did feel hot. Well not so much anymore. And I'm only going to get bigger!!!! A lady in the class said that the baby is probably really enjoying the class as well. hehe. It probably puts the baby to sleep that's why. I guess it's good that she noticed I was knocked up, bc what I was wearing I felt I just looked fat.
So to make me feel better, I went to the mall. I spent about 4 hours looking around at stuff. I didn't really buy much: some gifts for xmas, birthdays, and the shower. It was nice & relaxing. Just going in and out of stores at my own pace.
I also went perusing to the stores outside of the mall. I drove past a store front to park. There was a man walking to the store. After I parked (not in a close spot), I walked towards the entrance & that guy was standing outside the door looking at me. I looked at him quickly & he said, "Was that you driving the mustang?" - "uh....yeah."(as I walk a little quicker towards the door.)- "Do you like cars?" - I didn't really get a chance to answer, nor did I want to. I was also trying SOOOOO hard to get into the friggin' store. I was so caught off guard by this freak that I didn't realize you have to PULL the door open. So after he went on about his stupid car fetish, I was standing there frantically trying to get into the building. Finally, I get in and I dart towards the clothes. He told me about some place that he goes that has to do with cars- i dont know- said something about how I should get on Big Al's list- whatever- then told me what kind of car he has- never heard of it.
OMG!!!! I'm trying to relaxingly (I probably made that one up) SHOP! Get the F*$# away from me psycho! So he must have gotten the hint, when I ignored him. Then I kept an eye on him. He wasn't even shopping. Honestly, he was just wondering around the store, and everywhere I looked there he was. UGH! So I called Jimmy [in case I went missing] and then dropped everything in my hand and walked out. Well, I guess at least the guy saved me some ca$h. ...dick.
When I got home, my maternity jeans came in the mail! I was so excited when I ordered them that I was wearing the same size I did pre-pregnancy. When I took them out of their bag, I was nervous to put them on.............
Oh man! They fit great! I feel REALLY good in them, too! Woo HOO! I needed that! I think I'm going to wear these even long after I'm preggo. Hey, they're good going out & getting drunk jeans. You don't have to zip or button them!
The Chain Gang

My friend Jenna told me to make a chain link to count down the days until Christmas. Eventually, I'd like to make an Advent calendar for my kids to use like the one my mom has. But I love the chain idea for now!!!! It's nice to "do something" everyday to count down the days. Oakley likes it, too.

Obviously, I took this picture 4 days ago. Just have been too busy to upload & post.
Ok, so I'm a little stressed out. I have a lot on my mind, and it really doesn't even have to do with the baby. haha. But the things that I'm stressing over are actually pissing me off, which kinda sucks and probably isn't good for the baby.
I'm tired of asking for things. I'm tired of expecting things. I'm tired of wasting my time on certain people.
I can't just think to myself...well calm down. Things will change. Because, they haven't & they won't so I just keep getting more angry.
I have a few more weeks until I'm not allowed to fly- - I think I need a mini vacay. You know, so when I come back all of my problems will be here waiting for me. haha Well that's just dumb.
Actually, I'm really happy that I have the baby to look forward to. At least someone will love me unconditionally, do things that make me happy, and actually listen to me when we are having a conversation. (yes, sometimes I realize that I am just talking to myself while I think people are listening to me-when in actuality they are listening to someone else- who wasn't even in our conversation)
17 more days....
I can't believe it.
It would have been nice to know what the baby's gender is yesterday, while Nicole & I were in Babies-r-Us. There were sooooooo many adorable clothes!!!!
As I fill out my Kristmas cards, I get a little giddy inside while I write the little note: Great News! I'm having a baby in March!
Jimmy & I both are not fans of the expressions:
- we're expecting
or the WORST EVER - - we're pregnant.
So, the "I'm having a baby," had to do. I only had to write the note out to a couple of people I haven't seen in awhile or won't see. I can't believe next year, I will be adding the baby's name to the signature of our cards. Christmas is going to be so much more exciting from now on.
We had to do some room rearranging this weekend. I'm not happy about it, but it had to be done. I tried my hardest to make our bedroom a tranquil, relaxing space. We have the baby's room, the office, and the "red room." Well, the Red Room is going to have to be the guest bedroom now. So I had to take the elliptical out of it. The room is teeny tiny, so there really wasn't any room for it anymore, now that the chair is in there & I'd like to get a love seat/sofa bed in there.
Unfortunately, that left our bedroom & the living room for the elliptical. I'm sad to say- it had to go in our bedroom. The bedroom just feels cold now. :( BUT, the upside is that I will be more apt to use it. Before, when I worked out on it, I only had the radio & a portable DVD player to watch. It's so much easier to workout on that with a tv show going instead of a movie. And music is motivating, but I need something to look at. I went on it for 30 min this morning! :) So I'm already using it more. haha. I'm supposed to be doing 30 min of cardio everyday during this pregnancy. So during this winter, I can elliptical it up and then go to my gym for weight training & yoga. Dig it.
Hopefully, I will see results.
I'm really starting to show now, and I think my belly looks fake. Like the kind they put on actresses in movies. Seriously, it looks like plastic or something from far away. Makes me laugh. The baby is moving around right now, and I have a special treat for "it" tonight. TACOS! YUM! Can't wait. I hope [s]he likes them. Mexican is my favorite food. Oh man, I want a margarita. How many more months???? Speaking of margaritas, Babies-r-us has these strips that test alcohol in your breast milk. I'm wondering how well they work. I should probably get some of those.
I had some cramping last night, but I think it was from laughing so hard non-stop for 2 hours while watching Bill Cosby, Himself. That's probably my favorite stand-up comedy sketch ever.
3 more months until this baby pops out.
21 more days until I get to find out if It's a boy or a girl!!!!
One of my weekly emails said that you can hear the baby's heartbeat by putting your ear up to the belly. Well, I used our stethoscope and heard nothing. So I guess it'll be awhile for that one. The baby however, is still moving around a lot. It seemed like non-stop yesterday! I still kinda don't feel pregnant. haha. I'm 24 weeks along and it STILL hasn't hit me!!! I'm thinking it may hit me at the shower. I'll walk in and be like, "OMG! I'm pregnant?????" No one will understand. I think the bubbles in my stomach woke the baby up, bc now it's moving around like crazy. oops.
Only 23 more days.......I want to buy this baby some clothes!!!!! Maybe they will have some after christmas deals.
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