How far along: 15 weeks exactly, so sad that i know this
Maternity clothes: not yet, but i think i may have to start the rubber band method SUPER soon.
Stretch marks: bound to happen. my belly is starting to itch. not a good sign
Sleep: went to bed fairly late last night but i got a good night's sleep. I have noticed I have more energy now. Not a lot, but more.
Best moment this week: telling a bunch of family members! they are all so excited!
Movement: i'm not sure. i was lying still on the couch & i think i felt something, but it could have just been gas. :)
Food cravings/aversions: I made chili the other night, and the meat didn't bother me. YAY! finally! I haven't really noticed any cravings this past week. Orange juice, maybe.
Gender: apparently, if the baby is in the right spot & we have a way of a clear picture, i can find out. my next appointment isn't for awhile. and i'm still unsure if i want to find out yet or not.
What I miss: still missing the occasional drink, my flat stomach, and sushi
What I am looking forward to: painting the baby's room & registering
What I have learned: nothing. haha
Milestones: totally having somewhat of a bump
dinner party!
Well we had the extended family over for dinner on Sunday. It was my mom's side & Jimmy's mom's side. We told them the good news! Everyone is so excited, duh. I made chili & a lot of people said it was the best chili they have ever had. My little bro doesn't like chili & he said he loves it. haha.
Yesterday, after my game, I told my volleyball girls about the good news as well. They flipped! And Friday, my mom is going to tell some of her friends. It's so nice to finally be "pretty much" in the clear to tell people. I guess I have start telling some people anyway, bc I'm starting to show. Which I think is weird, bc I feel like I shouldn't be showing at all yet. hmm... Oh well.
Today I'm going to go shopping for some stuff for the nursery. Wish me luck!
no news is good news
There is nothing really going on. Yesterday, I couldn't even remember how far along I am. HAHA. I would like to paint the nursery next week, so hopefully there will be some updates to that! We kind of have no shower at the moment, since both of ours are O.O.S., so hopefully that will get done this weekend.
the shower...
So, I was making out my Shower guest list. I have 75 people!!!! That is reDONKulous! I have already tried looking into places to have it. I need some luck! My back-up plan raised their pricing, so we probably can't even afford that anymore! I don't want to have 2 showers, but I need help finding a venue that is affordable!
I want it catered. But if it's $15/plate that's $1140 FOR JUST FOOD! (including me)
Any ideas?
*dad- no smartass comments like "how about we don't feed them." or "let's just skip it altogether." haha
I just read that my baby is the size of my fist. WHOA! That's big! But someone told me it won't be another 3 weeks until I really start to show. That is like FOREVER away!
We have our playoff games tonight. We play one match & then I think the next one is the championship match. My doctor said I should play. UGH! It's the playoffs and my team needs me! I don't know what to do. My parents say don't play. One of my friends says it's ok. I asked my sister to come, so she could fill in for me. Maybe I'll have her play the 1st match for me. Then we could switch for the next one. OR maybe I could just sub in to serve! :) Oh the decisions!
K, I'm about to puke, gotta go make something to eat!
How far along: 13 weeks
Maternity clothes: not yet, but i am starting to feel less comfy in my skinny jeans. they are a size 2, so i don't really feel that bad
Stretch marks: as of this morning, i've only gained 1 lb so far, so if i keep the weight gain going slowly, hopefully i won't have many or any at all
Sleep: didn't get much sleep last night & i have to work this week, which means i will be super tired!
Best moment this week: finding out i can eat clams at the clambake!!!!
Movement: not feeling any yet. but i read it's moving alright. & we saw it moving all over at the ultrasound today
Food cravings/aversions: craving cottage cheese, ice cream, chocolate pie, cupcakes, fruit, & orange juice
Gender: unknown. still not sure if i want to find out yet
What I miss: eating what i want, SLEEP, a flat stomach, not feeling nauseous all of the time
What I am looking forward to: seeing the next ultrasound
What I have learned: being pregnant really isn't that bad....yet.
Milestones: wow. slacking off here. still being awesome at vb even though i'm 13 wks knocked up and shouldn't be playing. hehe
13 week ultrasound

So he busted out the ultrasound and we saw the baby. Yup. There is someONE in there alright. I saw the heart beating super fast. But I was expecting to see a cute little button nose, legs & arms. nope.
He said the next appt (4 LONG weeks away) I will be getting an in depth ultrasound & should see all of that then. Ugh! How am I supposed to wait for that?! I'll be a whole year older by then! (seriously, my birthday is this month)
Everything is going well though, so I can't complain! :)
I keep looking at this picture, hoping that something will pop out [OH! There's a nose!] But that isn't happening. Actually, it's just getting more & more blobby to me.
yes? no? i dunno!
So, I think I figured out how I want the baby's room painted. YAY! Also, as of right now, I DO NOT want to find out the sex. I'm sure that will change. I'm also sure that if I don't change my mind, my mom is going to be pissed at me for not finding out. But she also said that if I choose either of the 2 of the names on my list, she will call the baby something else. So whatever! [eyes rolling]
I am totally starting to nest! Yesterday, I mopped the baby's floor. It's just going to get dirty in there! We haven't even started painting yet! Jimmy was stripping & sanding furniture all day & it was killing me that I couldn't get started on staining the toy chest. I love staining. But apparently, I am not supposed to be around the chemicals. And I'm not one of those people who is happy about that. Why can't pregnant people get out of laundry!?! THAT, I wouldn't mind taking advantage of.
So, today I have to show Jimmy how to stain & then let him enjoy all of it. If only I was allowed to stain, it would be done by now. Because, yesterday I would have done that instead of doing the laundry, making lunch, & mopping the floors. yuck!
4 more LONG days until I get to see another picture of da baby!
So I wanted to work on the nursery today, but I'm completely stumped on what to do. I have all of these ideas flowing thru my head.
beach theme
ABC theme
fairies (if a girl)
sports (if a boy)
The Little Mermaid (girl)
"under the sea" [complete with seahorses, starfish, etc]
Nursery Rhymes [which we couldn't forget the classic nursery rhyme "I Love Little Pussy."]
I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don't hurt her,
She'll do me no harm.
So I'll not pull her tail,
Nor drive her away,
But pussy and I,
Very gently will play.
Seriously? How can anyone take that the right way?
The walls: I still want green incorporated. But now I have no clue what to do
- all green with a chair rail [color of chair rail?]
- green [top] with wainscoting [but what color? cream?] and then what color would i make the frames in the room? should it be higher wainscoting or the average height [i think 3.5']
- stripes. [on top or bottom? vertical or horizontal? what colors?]
Since I don't know the sex of the baby, I have to keep the colors on the wall unisex. And I already have ideas on some things I'd like to hang on the walls. So I need to know what color frames to buy.
Ugh! Maybe today we can just sand & stain the dresser & toy chest....
one more week
I am stuck with a dilemma now about the baby's room. My original idea may not be too great anymore, bc I think there will be too much dark wood. So now I don't know what to do with the walls.
Right now it looks like this:
My original plan was to have that green on top, and on the bottom put up wooden slats [stained in a dark wood] as wainscoting. Even now, looking at that green up against that bookcase....i love it! Having all dark furniture being the same as the walls is not a good idea in my book.
So do you have any suggestions? My sister says to leave as is, bc it's done & looks good & calming. But I'm not a fan of the top color just bc of the jungle theme. I don't even have a theme idea yet. I do like monkeys (but that is kinda jungly) [yes- we are gonna go with that being a word.]
Hmm....what to do. what to do.....
my 12 week mark
I guess it's gonna be awhile before I really start to notice any sort of "bump." I will hit the 2nd trimester mark next week & I still feel nauseated all of the time. I thought that was supposed to go away...
And unfortunately, any kind of meat still makes me sick to think about.
For dinner tonight.......I want cupcakes.
That is DEFINITELY NOT like me. I hate dessert.
{i'm in the process of working on the baby's room. updates soon}
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