How far along: 33.2 weeks
Maternity clothes: Usually wear leggings and my "fat" skinny jeans. Other than that I have worn a couple maternity pants (like pictured above). I haven't worn maternity tops really. But my t-shirts are getting to the point where they are way too short in the front. Haha
Sleep: Depends on the day. I feel rested today. Yesterday I subbed a full day and had practice afterwards. I was EXHAUSTED. Ready for bed at 6pm. Jimmy took my body pillow out for me so that helps.
Best moment this week: knowing that volleyball is almost over! Haha
Movement: Lots of it! Right now, the way that the baby is positioned- my belly button is off to the side by an inch! I think I might have felt some Braxton Hicks yesterday.
Food cravings/aversions: pumpkin cream cheese, water, pineapple, strawberries, Cape Cod chips (just finished the bag too), popcorn, dark chocolate. Things that I don't really want: spoiled milk (oops drank that twice), fishy fish, potatoes, milk chocolate.
Gender: So I'm leaning towards a boy. I'm about 95% sure that's what it is. I tried peeking in the envelope again, and saw nothing. Haha. But all the signs point to boy, even though it feels like a girl.
What I miss: still miss feeling good about myself, sleeping on my right side, fitting into my clothes, not having an itchy belly, NOT HAVING A belly!
What I am looking forward to: Popping this kid out! Shopping for baby stuff & decorating the nursery. I also can't wait to take newborn pictures. Shoot, I need to finish some crocheting!!!!!
What I have learned: This baby is coming a lot sooner than I realized. I need to pick out a name!!!! Jimmy made me throw out our list, so we started all over!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!
Milestones: my uterus is jammed into my lungs and I can't breathe. I have to arch back to get good deep breaths. Also watching my belly move in all different directions. It almost looks lumpy & lopsided. Like there are 3 kids in there. Oh shit, this baby HAS to be huge!!!!
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