What the heck!?!? I thought this nausea thing was only supposed to happen in the first trimester??? This blows!!! I feel dizzy and ready to puke! It seems like I would feel better if I just threw up. What are ya gonna do? Of course I have a lot going on, too. I have 3 jobs to go to today and tomorrow I have 2.
Jimmy went to pick up the baby's crib today! That's exciting! Yay. Hopefully all of this will keep me so busy that I will forget that I feel sick. But all I want to do is lay down---and when I lay down I feel even worse bc the acid rises up!
1st class...working on quizzes right now. So far so good. I have 7th grade students today. I usually like 8th grade and up so this could get interesting.
A couple of weeks ago, I went rollerblading, Yeah, yeah, I know I shouldn't be doing that. Well I did end up straining my ankle and hurting my knee. It eventually stopped hurting. So Wednesday at my game I have no idea what I did, but I hurt my ankle again. I mean it REALLY hurt to walk on. It feels a little better today, so that's good.
I also had to try on my bridesmaid dress today to get it altered for the wedding I'm in next month. That thing is HUGE on me. Going to cost a pretty penny to alter. Haha. The dress shop ladies overestimated the size that I was going to be. Bitches. Haha. Better too big than too small though :) I also had to pay extra to order extra length. Turns out, now it's WAY too long, so I had to pay EVEN MORE to have it shortened. Oh geez!! Just my luck.
I went to the gym the other day. And weighed myself. I haven't done that in 3 weeks!!! I am exactly where I was at this point the last time I was pregnant. So I guess that's good. I still don't know if I'm having a boy or girl this time around. It's kinda getting to the point where I don't even care that I don't know. At first it was driving me crazy, but today I kinda realizes that it doesn't really bother me to not know.
#1 I will obviously find out at some point.
#2 I will have the winter months to decorate. I won't really want to be outside all day anyway, so that's perfect.
#3 We already have 2 names for each gender picked out, so after the baby is born we will just need to pick between the 2.
#4 It is what it is. As long as the baby is healthy, we are happy. :)
p.s. I'm totally going to puke. I know it. I'm trying so hard to not think about it. But it's not that easy being queasy. Ha.
We went to a wedding last night. It was fun! We got to hangout with our friends and get loose on the dance floor. Plus there was some drama with a stolen purse. Located by me & Todd! I suggested to use Find my iPhone and it led him to the purse. Turns out someone did take it and threw it in the bushes. Lame.
I did a lot of dancing, eating and drinking a lot of water & cranberry & sprites. I felt like I was just as "tipsy" as everyone else (I guess I really don't need to drink when I go out then). My friend, Nicole is due in about 2 weeks and she and I stayed until the end! We were out there shaking our bumps to the music. Haha.
When I woke up this morning, I was worried bc the baby hadn't kicked all night. It's making up for it now. So all is good. A few people came up to me to tell me how great I looked. That is always nice to hear, especially when you feel like a cow. So thank you!
Today, I'm getting some work done and doing some laundry. Caden is goofing off & making me laugh.
The baby's crib should be coming in this week!! I can't wait to set it up! {ew-baby part moving along my side}
Our first game is tomorrow, so I'm curious to see how that is going to turn out. I don't think the girls are ready for that yet. Could be interesting or VERY boring. lol.
Okey dokey! I need to go feed the little guy some lunch! ta-ta!
I did a lot of dancing, eating and drinking a lot of water & cranberry & sprites. I felt like I was just as "tipsy" as everyone else (I guess I really don't need to drink when I go out then). My friend, Nicole is due in about 2 weeks and she and I stayed until the end! We were out there shaking our bumps to the music. Haha.
When I woke up this morning, I was worried bc the baby hadn't kicked all night. It's making up for it now. So all is good. A few people came up to me to tell me how great I looked. That is always nice to hear, especially when you feel like a cow. So thank you!
Today, I'm getting some work done and doing some laundry. Caden is goofing off & making me laugh.
The baby's crib should be coming in this week!! I can't wait to set it up! {ew-baby part moving along my side}
Our first game is tomorrow, so I'm curious to see how that is going to turn out. I don't think the girls are ready for that yet. Could be interesting or VERY boring. lol.
Okey dokey! I need to go feed the little guy some lunch! ta-ta!
At the Park

Our little guy, growing up too fast.

I love how he reaches out for his Daddy's hand, but he doesn't really need it. It's just there "in case."

Going up the steps with Mommy & little "brister" then down the slide!

We tried to re-take this picture but as you can see, it didn't really turn out. {the post from that day}

After the park, we went back home to jump in the bounce house

1st Football Game of the Season
I can't believe I'm in the 26th week already! This pregnancy has felt like it has flown, but when I think about the fact that I still have until the first week of December to go, I feel like it's dragging. I learned from the first pregnancy, that I don't want to rush it. Because right now, I'm used to one kiddo. And it's 2nd nature to me now. So throwing in another baby will be a little different. I need to enjoy this time for now. haha.
I also just realized last week that if I have this baby this Friday, that will be when one of my best friends had her baby. Yes, that early. He is doing VERY well. A miracle baby boy! But to think I could have another baby in 3 days is so crazy to me.
Maternity clothes: I wore maternity jeans on Sunday, but they were too big, so I guess I still don't really need them yet
Sleep: I did NOT sleep last night! Neither did Jimmy. For me, it might have been the coffee at 6:30pm. I don't know. I'm trying to get used to sleeping on my left side again, since I won't be able to sleep on my right or back soon. That could have been another reason. I just tossed and turned all night long. So annoying.
Best moment this week: Ordering the crib. Should be in sometime next week, I think.
Movement: The baby is rolling around as I type. It really does move a lot.
Food cravings/aversions: OJ, chips, fresh fruit, something warm because it's a little chilly outside
Gender: No clue.
What I miss: Not having to freak out about everything little thing wrong with my body.
What I am looking forward to: setting up the crib and getting the room a little situated. I won't be decorating it until after the baby is born. That will be a great winter project!
What I have learned: I'm not as tired the second time around, which is weird. I would think I would be
Milestones: Our baby has hair on its head and it's already a color! Also it's about 1.5 lbs and a little over 13" according to the average baby at this stage! THAT IS INSANE!
I also just realized last week that if I have this baby this Friday, that will be when one of my best friends had her baby. Yes, that early. He is doing VERY well. A miracle baby boy! But to think I could have another baby in 3 days is so crazy to me.
How far along: 25.1 weeks
Maternity clothes: I wore maternity jeans on Sunday, but they were too big, so I guess I still don't really need them yet
Sleep: I did NOT sleep last night! Neither did Jimmy. For me, it might have been the coffee at 6:30pm. I don't know. I'm trying to get used to sleeping on my left side again, since I won't be able to sleep on my right or back soon. That could have been another reason. I just tossed and turned all night long. So annoying.
Best moment this week: Ordering the crib. Should be in sometime next week, I think.
Movement: The baby is rolling around as I type. It really does move a lot.
Food cravings/aversions: OJ, chips, fresh fruit, something warm because it's a little chilly outside
Gender: No clue.
What I miss: Not having to freak out about everything little thing wrong with my body.
What I am looking forward to: setting up the crib and getting the room a little situated. I won't be decorating it until after the baby is born. That will be a great winter project!
What I have learned: I'm not as tired the second time around, which is weird. I would think I would be
Milestones: Our baby has hair on its head and it's already a color! Also it's about 1.5 lbs and a little over 13" according to the average baby at this stage! THAT IS INSANE!
Just lying 'round
24 weeks!!!!
@ Riley's 4th Birthday Party
Baby Update 24w
How far along: 24.1 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still getting away without them. Just wearing my "fat" jeans when necessary. I have pictures tomorrow for volleyball, I'm kinda nervous about trying on my khaki shorts.
Sleep: TIRED!!! I sleep well through the night, but I am still tired.
Best moment this week: Finding out that I haven't gained a pound in 4 weeks. :) Worst Moment: looking at my legs and seeing how FAT they are!
Movement: Lots of it. Still sporadic. Either the baby is pushing on my lower abs, or I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions. The doctor also said it could be from doing so much activity or I need to get more fluids.
Food cravings/aversions: Right now, at this very second, I just want popsicles.
Gender: Still don't know. I asked the doctor if the ultrasound people know for sure, and he said they do, so that tells me it's a boy. Yet I keep calling it a girl. Either way, it's going to be awesome and I can't wait to meet Baby #2.
What I miss: my body. feeling good about myself. going out until 2 in the morning
What I am looking forward to: Buying stuff for the baby. Seeing how Caden reacts to it. Watching him meet his sibling for the first time in the hospital and taking that family picture.
What I have learned: pregnancy can really make you feel crappy about yourself. It doesn't matter how many encouraging words people say to you, you still feel down about how you look. Well, at least that is how I feel. But I also learned that it is sooooo worth it for the time being. You get a great kiddo out of it and no matter how many times I say it grosses me out when I feel the baby moving, it's still the coolest feeling in the world.
Milestones: Realizing that there are way too many potty training toilets out there. Yes, that has nothing to do with this pregnancy, but come on! That's just ridiculous! I can't believe I have about less than 16w to go. This is flying by and it's going even quicker with volleyball starting and the holidays coming up. Not to mention the weddings, the friends having babies, the late summer parties.....
At the Beach
Pool Time
CFFD Summer Picnic
All this little man wanted was a balloon. He didn't care about anything else. 

His present! A cool football! Which he can catch by the way. Kinda cool!

His friend David Henry!

Nicole, Jeremy & Baby Girl. Jimmy, Sam & Cade took the ladies on the paddle boat.


Jimmy, I'm not sure running around with a sucker in your mouth is good to show the kids. Haha

Cade & his sucker. mmm

His present! A cool football! Which he can catch by the way. Kinda cool!

His friend David Henry!

Nicole, Jeremy & Baby Girl. Jimmy, Sam & Cade took the ladies on the paddle boat.


Jimmy, I'm not sure running around with a sucker in your mouth is good to show the kids. Haha

Cade & his sucker. mmm
Visiting Daddy @ Work
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