
2.9 years + 14 months

A....asks lots of questions, just like a 3 yr old should
D...darn cute. Seriously, adorbs
E...excited to play with his new toys
N...never stops talking.  like ever.

Loves to play with his Toy Story guys, Woody & Buzz.  It's cool to see his imagination starting to kick start.  He also went 4 days in a row without peeing in his pants a single time!  :)  Today after his nap was the first accident.  Not bad.  He is very possessive of his toys.

R...runny nose ALL DAY LONG
Y...yells & screams, bc he thinks it's funny
D...destructive. Caden builds something & Ryder swoops in to knock it down
E...eager to play with his big brother
R...rambunctious, but I like it

Starting to say a few words: Mum, Dada, Papa, Daisy, Digit (gidget), Bah (ball), Boon (balloon), and the letter F.  HAHAHAHa   He can also hold his own ground.  Caden doesn't share or if he yells at him, Ryder winds up and smacks him in the head.  Ha  I hate to laugh at that, but it's seriously hilarious.

The two of them are a handful and with them being sick right now, they kind of get on my nerves. (sorry- I must be a bad person)  But overall they are soooooooo much fun and I love hanging with them.  They crack me up.  Caden seriously...he is actually cracking me up right now as I am typing this.

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