Yup! Baby #2 is due December 4th! Crazy! We are going to have our hands full. At the first & second ultrasounds, I asked to make sure there was only one baby in there. I don't know what I was thinking wishing for identical twin girls. I must have been on something. During the 12w ultrasound, they said the baby was measuring about a week further. Oh great. I big baby. YIKES! That's gonna hurt. Maybe it will come a week early and be born near Mike's birthday!
I still don't feel pregnant. I'm kinda in that weird limbo. At this point I felt Caden move already. This baby must be more chill than him.
We have 2 names for each sex picked out. We'll figure it out after the baby is born. Just like we did with Caden. Yes, we weren't sure what his name was going to be until he was born. Haha.
Well I'll probably update next week.

How far along are you? 16w We took that picture last week. :)
Total weight gain: 2-3lbs depends on the time of day
Maternity clothes: Nope. Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not yet. But dreading the day they come :(
Sleep: I got to bed almost right after I put Cade down. But I still wake up tired. I must be tossing & turning all night. I kinda want to take a nap right now! Haha. But I don't do naps.
Finding out the sex?: We both agree that we do not want to find out if it's a boy or girl. I can't believe I am going to wait! We have the option of finding out in 2.5 weeks. I think I'll buy a boy & girl coming home outfit just in case. hehe.
Movement: I don't think so. I had a sharp pain on Father's Day, but we ruled it as a muscle spasm. It felt like the entire baby was trying to get out. Haha
Cravings: This time around, I haven't really craved much healthy food. UGH! I want Cape Cod chips (and lots of them), lemonade, wine, beer, coffee, sushi, turkey sub, (basically stuff I can't have), Lou Manalti's Pizza, anything salty, Edy's fruit bars, chocolate...damnit. This baby wants me FAT. I also want a big bloody mary!
Food aversions: Raw chicken makes me sick to look at. Pizza. I'll eat it and then I don't want to look at a piece of pizza for about 2 months. (unless Lou's) Also, it's weird. I can feel like I'm starving but I look around and NOTHING sounds appetizing. Also anything fast food like burger joints. Kinds gross me out now. I guess that's a good thing. :)
Most irritating moments: @ this point: the "is she pregnant or did she just gain weight?" phase. ANNOYING! Plus being pregnant in the summer sucks. Not because of the heat. I like the heat. But because the summer is PARTY TIME. Hard to get crazy sippin' on lemonade.
What I miss: looking decent in a bikini and being able to wear the new fashion trends. I was about to get back into the shorter t-shirts that you see all over. Not now! No worries, I'll make the best of it.
What I'm looking forward to: getting the baby's room almost all set (obviously won't be totally done until it's born, since we don't know the sex). Yes, that is driving me crazy. Feeling movement. Getting the big chair reupholstered for Caden's room.
Also cool: A couple of Caden's friends his age are having a little sibling on the way as well. And a few friends are due soon or just had babies. It's going to be so much fun!
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