Omg. I bumped a button on my camera, which turned my picture taking into B&W! Well I do NOT know where that button is. We had basically just got there so I HAD to fix it. Whew! I was able to figure it out. There should be a lock mode while the camera is on.

The Land of Balls. He found those from a mile away. I didn't even see them so when we asked to play with them, I said there wasn't any. Then I looked over and oh, man. Caden & the two little boys on the bottom right were working together putting stuff in that pink pail. cute.

They had little critter costumes to put on for the day. That was cool.

He actually wore his bug antennae for awhile

Ball Heaven.

Ok, bye! See ya later!

Having a blast in the sand!

"Great job girls!" Molly's getting her row on, while Riley gets her pose on. Caden. Well, he is just enjoying the ride.

Riley let him practice pushing a stroller, so he can help his Mommy & Daddy when the new baby comes.