
Ryder Hudson

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3 year olds......THEY ARE THE WORST!!!  This nugget is REALLY lucky he is cute.  I would have set him out with the donation box if he wasn't.  He is so stubborn and doesn't listen at all.  BUT he is super lovable.  Today, I walked out to get into the car to run out really quickly and he ran out of the house screaming because he hadn't given me a hug & kiss.  And then he apparently cried the entire time I was gone.  He just wanted to cuddle when I got home.  

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He just wants to play all day long, which I love.  He definitely should still be taking naps.  But it's my fault because I don't enforce it.

For Caden's birthday, I was taking the annual Nipper shot, and Ryder came running out because he wanted his picture as well.

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