

So Ryder might be allergic to the animals.  We go in next month to see the allergist.  I'm hoping she has  good news.  We are also getting his egg allergy re-tested to see if the numbers went down.  I'm most certainly not getting my hopes up on this one.  I feel so bad for him.  I don't want him to have to live a life worrying about not eating or touching something bc it had eggs or peanuts in it.

And his eczema.  UGH!  Screw that crap!  We just can't seem to get it under control.  He itches so badly.  It doesn't seem to slow him down too much though.  That boy is always playing around having fun.

Caden has now developed some fears.  He out of the blue doesn't like swings.  And isn't a huge fan of slide anymore either.  I don't get it.  I hope he grows out of that.

He also has developed the I'm Not Sharing My Toys syndrome.  Even though the toys are his brother's as well.  Today Ryder took a toy knowing that Caden wanted it.  He ran behind me to hide from Caden, gave me a big squeeze hug and took off.  Caden just followed flailing his arms screaming at the top of his lungs.  Ryder just ran and smiled.

Gonna be fun with these two!  LOL

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