
Caden's 3rd Birthday Party

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I made the invites from scratch!  My mom has a cuttlebug, that's how I did the 3D clouds.

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Great job on the cupcakes, Mom!  And Jimmy made an awesome CLAW!

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Leslie made the awesome fruit kabobs!

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Oh my gosh, when we sang Happy Birthday to him, his face LIT UP!  He smiled so big, it was the greatest thing ever!  Some kids get shy when a big group sings to them, yeah no.  He LOVED it!

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Ryder had a special EGG-FREE cupcake!  Abby enjoyed her cupcake, too!

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Boylan girls, so easily entertained.  Hehe

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Looks like he loves it. Refuses to learn how to use the pedals.   Do you see part of the state of Texas hidden in this picture?

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Ryder wouldn't let go

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I set up the green screen so we could do some photos.

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Ryder apparently wanted to be in this picture

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The birthday boy!

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Trying to get a cute picture of these two.....impossible

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Our turn!

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1 comment:

Jimmy 5 said...

green screen is awesome! we need to use that more often!

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