I can't believe he is 4 months already!

His 3m & 4m pictures don't look much different. Haha

I have him in the same outfit that Caden wore at 4 months. He will not be able to wear that onesie again. Ugh! I'm so mad- that was one of my favorite outfits of Caden's.

He isn't even that much bigger than Caden at this age. Ryder measured in at 16 lbs 3.5 oz. and at 2' 1.75". His head was 43 cm.

Cutie Patootie

He is always smiling! I love it.

He likes the feeling of falling (gonna like roller coasters- yay!). He is almost about to roll over from his back. And when you put him on his belly he brings his knees in already. The boy wants to move. He is a strong one.
The poor little dude suffers from eczema like his brother and daddy. We have it under control now. Took a visit to the dermatologist and he also has a mastocytoma. That is not cool. It's on his inner right arm. So I have to make sure he always has on loose clothing, avoid friction in that area (that's gonna be difficult), avoid overheating, blah blah! I'm freaking out!!
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