So we were talking the other day about how we can't wait to see Ryder's personality! But I think he already has it. The baby LOVES looking at himself in the mirror and is ALWAYS smiling. He also loves to get his picture taken. Caden also loves to look at himself in the mirror. (wonder where they got that?) Last night, Caden was playing with me & Ryder but watched himself in the mirror as he was doing it. HaHa
Anyway, I think these 2 pictures pretty much show their personalities:
Ryder is a little model. And Caden is a thinker. If you know the two of them, you know that is spot on! ha. They both are little entertainers like their mom & aunt Bim.
little chunker munker.
Decorating eggs this year was funny. He did well. The only problem was that he kept cracking the eggs from literally throwing them in the colors.
And here he is pretending to eat the egg. Just like he does at breakfast time. Pretends to eat, which explains why he is still 25 pounds.
Saturday was the Easter Egg Hunt. It was so cute. We played on the playground for a little bit while they set up. The Jaycees had a little carnival ride there for the kiddos. I wondered if he would be too young for it. And as I thought about it, he watched the train go round & round. A line was forming for the next group and when they all started walking in, he followed. Just completely walked away from where we were standing. He knew. He was ready for this ride. So I said, "well I guess he's going." I waited for him to realize what was going on and to run away from the ride back to me. But no. The boy has no fear. He wanted to go on. (That's my boy!) It was the cutest thing. Wish I had it on film. Hard to take video & pictures by myself.
He collected a lot of eggs!
Next year he will be in the next age group! Oh man! :(
He just sat in the ride. No facial expression the whole time. So I don't know if he enjoyed it. I asked him as we were walking away & he said he had fun. Haha. He held onto his basket for most of the ride, then set it down nicely & put his hands on his lap. At one point, he turned around to the girls behind them. Just soaked it all in.
This kid thing is fun!