1 month 16 days
10 lbs 13 oz
22.5" long

Likes to eat & cry. Last night he slept for 10 hours without making me get out of bed. I am VERY grateful for that! He's starting to get that social smiling down. And he LOVES to cuddle & be held. What baby wouldn't? It's freezing, I want to be cuddled!
Caden James:
21 months 29 days (so let's go with almost 2)
26 lbs 1 oz

Couldn't ask for a better toddler. He is so much fun, likes to play on his own and not to be hovered over, loves to walk around with his crayons, play with balls (haha), doesn't like wearing a sock on his left foot (the pidge), likes to snack, but doesn't really eat very much. He hasn't really grown in awhile all of his pants are too big for him. LOVES bananas, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, to sing, dance, eating goldfish, taking baths, play with mega blocks and wooden blocks.
He started to love playing with cars & trucks. It's cute to watch him drive them all over. He also likes things in a straight line. I mean seriously, he lines EVERYTHING up.
He talks a lot now, which is cute. Here are some of his signature phrases:
Choo-Doo Dar = Christmas Tree
Mow-mow = remote
Hot dog = Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
AHHHH = I need a drink
mmm = eat (as in "mama mmm, dada mmm, eyeder mmm)
Eye-der = Ryder
Eyeball, cheers, toodles, bubbles, baby,
bark, bark = dog
mail-ma = mailman (don't know why that's even said)
dah-chee = letters (when he sees letters, like on his wooden blocks or shirts)
ahh-choo = sneeze
down = slide
stuch = stuck
I can't wait until Ryder does more and too see how Caden interacts with him. So far he's been great with him.
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