Whoa! Ryder is growing so well. Maybe because he eats like a tank! I wanted to see where Caden was at this point and here it is.
Ryder doesn't really take naps like his brother, but his head lifting skills are really good! I've only done Tummy Time like 3x so far, he wasn't a huge fan of it. We need to take the Bumbo down from the attic today! So he can test it out. And he's a smiling fool now! And is looking more like a baby and not a little old man {you know the newborn look}. He is out of newborn diapers, been out for awhile now. He wears size 3m clothes! He is a farting machine, as well. For the past week, he's been getting up twice in the middle of the night. VERY UNCOOL, since we are dealing with Caden and his broken leg.
Speaking of which, it's been a little stressful. I'm surprised we don't have holes in our walls from punches. Caden is taking this broken leg thing REALLY well though. For being 22 months old he stays pretty chill. Probably because he is loaded with activities and watches cartoons all day. As soon as he can move, the TV will be off for awhile! I canNOT wait for that. But anyway, so it's been a little stressful, so any added stress....yeah GO AWAY! We don't need that right now. We cancelled our annual super bowl party. I'm so glad, I could not handle that right now. But also sad, I LOVE THAT PARTY!
But since we have to keep Caden calm and not jumping around any CRAZY excitement can't happen right now. And yes, he will try to jump around. Jimmy had him on the floor the other day and he tried to get up and walk. Jimmy had to stop him.
Last night, I couldn't deal with another Mickey Mouse episode, so I set up a little water station for him to play with. We covered his leg with a plastic bag & saran wrap and he went to town splashing water all over the kitchen floor. He loves the water. He needed that. Poor Ryder was off to the side in his bouncer getting soaked. Haha
For the past week, Caden has been sleeping in our bed with me. Jimmy sleeps on the couch and Ryder "sleeps"{rests his eyes for 5 minutes} in his swing, in his room. Hopefully he'll get a harder cast and be able to sleep in his crib. He isn't allowed to put any weight on his leg right now. He has a soft/hard cast. There is some plaster but also some ace bandage wrap. So he has to sleep on our bed so he doesn't stand up. So someone has to be in there with him the whole time as well. That's FUN! It took him 2 hours the other night to finally fall asleep. And when he did our annoying neighbor stood outside our window calling for her dogs. Ugh. Last night, he went to sleep fairly quickly. Also he hasn't been getting naps. The other day he said, "night night dada" and just passed out on the couch! Yesterday we took him for a ride to sleep in the car. Only slept for 45 min though. : /
So as you can see, this hasn't been easy, but could be worse.
Let's hope for a quick recovery! Hopefully he'll be good to go for his birthday party!
zoo trip
Just got my weekly update email today. It said
stuff about how your toddler will be able to jump a little better soon. blah blah stuff about good balance...
Now I'm just pissed bc he was there. He was ahead of the curve. Jumping off of two feet at the same time. His landing was great. He was even running now. And now he has to start all over! That makes me so angry that I can't sleep, eat or just be without thinking about it.
Now I'm just pissed bc he was there. He was ahead of the curve. Jumping off of two feet at the same time. His landing was great. He was even running now. And now he has to start all over! That makes me so angry that I can't sleep, eat or just be without thinking about it.
Our Littles
Ryder Hudson:
1 month 16 days
10 lbs 13 oz
22.5" long

Likes to eat & cry. Last night he slept for 10 hours without making me get out of bed. I am VERY grateful for that! He's starting to get that social smiling down. And he LOVES to cuddle & be held. What baby wouldn't? It's freezing, I want to be cuddled!
Caden James:
21 months 29 days (so let's go with almost 2)
26 lbs 1 oz

Couldn't ask for a better toddler. He is so much fun, likes to play on his own and not to be hovered over, loves to walk around with his crayons, play with balls (haha), doesn't like wearing a sock on his left foot (the pidge), likes to snack, but doesn't really eat very much. He hasn't really grown in awhile all of his pants are too big for him. LOVES bananas, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, to sing, dance, eating goldfish, taking baths, play with mega blocks and wooden blocks.
He started to love playing with cars & trucks. It's cute to watch him drive them all over. He also likes things in a straight line. I mean seriously, he lines EVERYTHING up.
He talks a lot now, which is cute. Here are some of his signature phrases:
Choo-Doo Dar = Christmas Tree
Mow-mow = remote
Hot dog = Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
AHHHH = I need a drink
mmm = eat (as in "mama mmm, dada mmm, eyeder mmm)
Eye-der = Ryder
Eyeball, cheers, toodles, bubbles, baby,
bark, bark = dog
mail-ma = mailman (don't know why that's even said)
dah-chee = letters (when he sees letters, like on his wooden blocks or shirts)
ahh-choo = sneeze
down = slide
stuch = stuck
I can't wait until Ryder does more and too see how Caden interacts with him. So far he's been great with him.
1 month 16 days
10 lbs 13 oz
22.5" long

Likes to eat & cry. Last night he slept for 10 hours without making me get out of bed. I am VERY grateful for that! He's starting to get that social smiling down. And he LOVES to cuddle & be held. What baby wouldn't? It's freezing, I want to be cuddled!
Caden James:
21 months 29 days (so let's go with almost 2)
26 lbs 1 oz

Couldn't ask for a better toddler. He is so much fun, likes to play on his own and not to be hovered over, loves to walk around with his crayons, play with balls (haha), doesn't like wearing a sock on his left foot (the pidge), likes to snack, but doesn't really eat very much. He hasn't really grown in awhile all of his pants are too big for him. LOVES bananas, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, to sing, dance, eating goldfish, taking baths, play with mega blocks and wooden blocks.
He started to love playing with cars & trucks. It's cute to watch him drive them all over. He also likes things in a straight line. I mean seriously, he lines EVERYTHING up.
He talks a lot now, which is cute. Here are some of his signature phrases:
Choo-Doo Dar = Christmas Tree
Mow-mow = remote
Hot dog = Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
AHHHH = I need a drink
mmm = eat (as in "mama mmm, dada mmm, eyeder mmm)
Eye-der = Ryder
Eyeball, cheers, toodles, bubbles, baby,
bark, bark = dog
mail-ma = mailman (don't know why that's even said)
dah-chee = letters (when he sees letters, like on his wooden blocks or shirts)
ahh-choo = sneeze
down = slide
stuch = stuck
I can't wait until Ryder does more and too see how Caden interacts with him. So far he's been great with him.
Saturday night, I said, "Ryder is going in his crib tonight!" And guess what, he did! The only part I was worried about was him waking up Caden. Ryder cried for a little bit (not long) and didn't wake up Caden at all. So I tried it again last night. Went well for a second night in a row! Pretty cool.
He sleeps for about 5 hours, wakes up, eats, then sleeps for another 3-4 hours. Now I just need to get him to go to bed earlier, so I can!
I think he might have a little bug or is allergic to milk proteins. He's been sick for 11 days now. The doctor is trying to figure out what it is. UGH! I feel so bad for the little guy.
I've cut dairy out of my diet, and now I have NOTHING to eat. Haha.
He sleeps for about 5 hours, wakes up, eats, then sleeps for another 3-4 hours. Now I just need to get him to go to bed earlier, so I can!
I think he might have a little bug or is allergic to milk proteins. He's been sick for 11 days now. The doctor is trying to figure out what it is. UGH! I feel so bad for the little guy.
I've cut dairy out of my diet, and now I have NOTHING to eat. Haha.
Hangin' Out
Bath Time
1 month photo shoots
A month...Wow.
Here's the scoop:
Goes to bed around 10pm in swing, in our room. Either wakes up around 3-4 or 6. Depends on his mood or his belly.
Gassy...very gassy. I feel so bad for him
Drinks a lot.
Pees a lot.
Poops not as much as before. Whew!
Cries a lot (bc of gas)
Starting to smile more. (probably still bc of the gas)
Looks like me & my mom
Needs to start sleeping in his crib.

So, I wanted to use a footie onesie, but I couldn't find any of Caden's 12m sized ones. So I'm going to use this 12m sized onesie instead. I'll take his picture in it every month until he is a year old. Just to see how he has grown!

I'm also going to do a rocking chair shot each month. As you can see, it's not that easy with a newborn. Haha

But a couple of hours* later.....WE GOT IT!
*seriously, we had to take a break and come back later in the day.

And of course, we can't leave out Nipper! So, I'll be doing yet ANOTHER monthly shot. He seems to be happy (or gassy) about this idea.

Wow, I can't believe he is a month old already. It feels like I have been locked up in this dang house forever, but still it's hard to believe a month has gone by.

My little nuggets.
Here's the scoop:
Goes to bed around 10pm in swing, in our room. Either wakes up around 3-4 or 6. Depends on his mood or his belly.
Gassy...very gassy. I feel so bad for him
Drinks a lot.
Pees a lot.
Poops not as much as before. Whew!
Cries a lot (bc of gas)
Starting to smile more. (probably still bc of the gas)
Looks like me & my mom
Needs to start sleeping in his crib.

So, I wanted to use a footie onesie, but I couldn't find any of Caden's 12m sized ones. So I'm going to use this 12m sized onesie instead. I'll take his picture in it every month until he is a year old. Just to see how he has grown!

I'm also going to do a rocking chair shot each month. As you can see, it's not that easy with a newborn. Haha

But a couple of hours* later.....WE GOT IT!
*seriously, we had to take a break and come back later in the day.

And of course, we can't leave out Nipper! So, I'll be doing yet ANOTHER monthly shot. He seems to be happy (or gassy) about this idea.

Wow, I can't believe he is a month old already. It feels like I have been locked up in this dang house forever, but still it's hard to believe a month has gone by.

My little nuggets.
Pee-Pee in the Pot-TAY!
ok not really, but I did put him on it for the first time today. He seemed very interested in it, so I went with it.

Uh oh....
Love the middle picture BTW. Ha
Also, I'm doing a 30 day challenge. I was going through all of his clothes today. Reorganizing. Switching out 18m for 24m. :( And I realized that this kid has A TON OF CLOTHES. Like so many that he will NEVER wear all of them. Here is where my challenge comes- He has to wear something new everyday. No repeats! I think he even has 30 pairs of pants, so that won't be a problem. (ok- that is including shorts) I should have counted them. It's ridic!
Also I just uploaded a bunch of pictures so I will post them tomorrow, if I get the chance. I think I need some sleep right now.

Uh oh....
Love the middle picture BTW. Ha
Also, I'm doing a 30 day challenge. I was going through all of his clothes today. Reorganizing. Switching out 18m for 24m. :( And I realized that this kid has A TON OF CLOTHES. Like so many that he will NEVER wear all of them. Here is where my challenge comes- He has to wear something new everyday. No repeats! I think he even has 30 pairs of pants, so that won't be a problem. (ok- that is including shorts) I should have counted them. It's ridic!
Also I just uploaded a bunch of pictures so I will post them tomorrow, if I get the chance. I think I need some sleep right now.
woo hoo
Ryder slept for 8.5 hours last night! That was GREAT! He has been fussy all day today & yesterday, though. I can't get anything done. I have so much laundry to do!!!! Thank God Caden has been so awesome! He even helps out.
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