Holy CRAP! That thing is REALLY out there!!!!
How far along: 38 weeks
Maternity clothes: Not wearing any at this moment! Just regular people clothes.
Sleep: Woke up with really bad heartburn this morning. I hope I get some sleep tonight, but I had spicy tacos for dinner, so I probably won't
Best moment this week: Hearing the doctor say we have some progress! The baby has dropped a little. I've dilated to 1.5cm and I'm 60% effaced!
Movement: The baby is literally rolling around right this second and punching my bladder.
Food cravings/aversions: So thirsty!!!!! Been craving frozen yogurt for a few days and Jimmy took me to get some tonight! :) mmmm
Gender: No clue. But we have narrowed down the names a little, so I feel a little better about that.
What I miss: Being able to wear shorts, no heartburn, flatter stomach, sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to: The holidays and spending them with my Man & our two little nuggets!
What I have learned: That I need to stop being such a pushover and speak my mind sometimes. Also that I need to work faster at making this baby blanket. The kid will be 16 before I get it done! And now that Jimmy is home for awhile, the last thing I want to do is crochet!
Milestones: Dilating and thinning out! This baby is making its way down! Can't wait!!! But still hoping for a December 4th baby!
Here are the progression pix of this pregnancy!

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