It's November 28th, I had a feeling that this baby would probably want to enter this world on this day. This was a prediction awhile back. Then I was reading some forums and ppl were talking about how babies are most likely to be born on full moons. I never really believe in "full moon" things. Well I had at least 6 people write me today asking if the baby was coming. That is sort of ironic. Plus my parents' neighbor said the baby may come today, bc of the full moon.
Well I have about 3.5 hours until this day is over, so I'm pretty sure the 28th is out.
I also have had what I think, might be some little contractions today. They aren't horrible and I remember the last time I was pregnant, the contractions were really painful. So I'm pretty sure they are nothing to get excited over.
I did, however, have a dream that they baby was coming out, and I didn't know. HAHAHA ew.
I can't wait to get over with this though, bc the heartburn & acid reflux is unbearable! I want some popcorn so badly right now, but I can't eat this late. I will have HB & AR anyway, but I don't want to make it any worse.
uh oh....
We were in the doctor's office and Jimmy and I made a bet on whether I dilated more since last week. He guessed that I would, I said no.
Turns out, Jimmy is the winner. I went from a 1.5cm 60% effaced to almost 3 cm 60% effaced.
When I went into labor with Caden, I was dilated at 2 cm. I have a feeling this baby might not make it to December! I'm going to have to keep my legs crossed for a week to hold this baby in! Haha!
And here is a little picture of Caden watching Santa stumble out of our house. Too much nog before Christmas!
3 cm! AHHHHH!!!!
The doctor also told me to rest. I guess putting the Christmas stuff up in the attic by myself was not a great idea. I can't just sit around though! I have a house to take care of and a hospital bag to pack. Oh yeah, it's still not complete. I mean, it's just little things like toiletries. But I use those everyday, so I can't really pack them! How am I supposed to see if my contacts are in my hospital bag.
p.s. Anyone want a cute little kitty named Oakley?
Baby #2 Update
How far along: 39 weeks
Maternity clothes: Yeah. wearing some.
Sleep: Last night I got about 2 hours of sleep total. all broken up of course. Anxious about the baby + having acid reflux = shitty night's sleep
Best moment this week: sleeping on the floor with caden. Last night I was soooo tired so after we read books, I laid down on the floor hoping that the would follow suit. Sure enough he did. He even snuggled as close as he could to be & while still holding onto one of his books he laid there next to me. We weren't asleep, but I bet we could have fallen asleep like that.
Movement: Still moving a lot! I don't know how! There can't be ANYMORE room in there for that giant baby.
Food cravings/aversions: I haven't really been that hungry to where I can say I am craving something. It's almost like, if you put it in front of me, I'll eat it. But if you ask me what I want- you'll get nothing.
Gender: so confused. I still feel like it's a girl. But I have had little hints along the way that it's a boy. So like I said before, if it is a boy- he may be a tad bit feminine. hehe
What I miss: Being able to wear shorts, no heartburn, flatter stomach, sleeping comfortably- - Yes ALL OF THAT!!! Also being able to take my own shoes off. I had my rainboots on yesterday to look for Daisy and then when I got into the house, I realized that I can't take these off. I was home alone, so I had to do it by myself. It took way longer that it needed to.
What I am looking forward to: The holidays and spending them with my Man & our two little nuggets! - - Still that! Also looking forward to no heartburn or acid reflux!!!! seriously excited for the christmas though! Plus my Aunt Sue is going to be here! Getting to see her will be awesome! And the bonus: she'll get to meet the little nug! I have a doctor's appt this morning, so hopefully I will have some good news that the baby will most likely be born on December 4th! haha
What I have learned: A few things that I shouldn't discuss here. Things are going to be different this time around though. Haha Probably not. Whatever.
Milestones: I think I have finally figured out the curtain situation! Ok, so if it's a girl I will use the yellow curtains (only have 2- - need 2 more- - Target was out of them) If it's a boy I will use the dark gray curtains (don't have any- - Walmart was all out of them). But I also don't know how the gray will look, so if I don't like them, we at least have green ones for back-up!
Oh wow! This baby is NEVER coming out! I do want it to wait until December, but I'm also nervous that I am going to have to have a C-section because there are no signs of imminent labor!
We put the Christmas tree up last night. Caden really likes to look at the ornaments. He stands there and points all of them out.
We put the Christmas tree up last night. Caden really likes to look at the ornaments. He stands there and points all of them out.
Baby #2 Update

Holy CRAP! That thing is REALLY out there!!!!
How far along: 38 weeks
Maternity clothes: Not wearing any at this moment! Just regular people clothes.
Sleep: Woke up with really bad heartburn this morning. I hope I get some sleep tonight, but I had spicy tacos for dinner, so I probably won't
Best moment this week: Hearing the doctor say we have some progress! The baby has dropped a little. I've dilated to 1.5cm and I'm 60% effaced!
Movement: The baby is literally rolling around right this second and punching my bladder.
Food cravings/aversions: So thirsty!!!!! Been craving frozen yogurt for a few days and Jimmy took me to get some tonight! :) mmmm
Gender: No clue. But we have narrowed down the names a little, so I feel a little better about that.
What I miss: Being able to wear shorts, no heartburn, flatter stomach, sleeping comfortably
What I am looking forward to: The holidays and spending them with my Man & our two little nuggets!
What I have learned: That I need to stop being such a pushover and speak my mind sometimes. Also that I need to work faster at making this baby blanket. The kid will be 16 before I get it done! And now that Jimmy is home for awhile, the last thing I want to do is crochet!
Milestones: Dilating and thinning out! This baby is making its way down! Can't wait!!! But still hoping for a December 4th baby!
Here are the progression pix of this pregnancy!

Mini Photo Shoot

These boots were mine when I was little. I'm glad they fit it perfectly at this time of the year!

Having a blast while his Daddy pushes him on the swing!

He loves going down the slide! He even knows how to get to the park and says, "down!" when he sees it!

Watching the Falls before they freeze over.
Baby #2 Update
How far along: 37.4 weeks
Maternity clothes: Still can get away without them. Thanks to bulky sweaters! I am wearing maternity jeans though. My leggings aren't though. My belly is HUGE though!
Sleep: I have been getting sleep, but last night- - I was NOT tired. Hard time trying to fall asleep
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move around- - getting more stuff done for the baby is always a good feeling as well
Movement: Yes, this kid is insanely active! We had our ultrasound this week, and it wouldn't hold still so they could measure it.
Food cravings/aversions: Water! fruit, DARK chocolate, potato chips, constantly hungry. Not a huge fan of coming up with something to eat though, bc meat doesn't sound that great
Gender: Still don't know. The ultrasound tech/nurse said she didn't see anything, so she doesn't even know. Only 16 more days until my due date. We will all find out soon enough!
What I miss: My body
What I am looking forward to: Enjoying time with friends tomorrow at the Diaper Party!!
What I have learned: Second babies are big. Also the name my cousin is going to name her baby is super similar to one of our top names. Kinda funny! Great minds think alike! There really is only one letter different. Theirs ends in an A ours an N. Haha
Milestones: None to report. No change in dilation. But I don't mind bc I want this abby to be born on Dec 4th!
Post coming soon!
Less than 20 days to go!!!!
Working on a lot of little last minute projects before the baby arrives!
Working on a lot of little last minute projects before the baby arrives!
So the heartburn wasn't horrible last night. But I still woke up at 4AM. This time, bc I couldn't breathe! This head cold SUCKS! I just want to lay down on the couch and cuddle under a nice warm blanket while sipping tea and watching a good movie.
Too bad that ain't gonna happen! haha
I'm going to pack my hospital bag today! {at least try to get it done} I keep putting it off, thinking that this really isn't happening. I'm not really pregnant with my SECOND kid. Yes, still in disbelief. I guess I better start believing since my due date is almost 20 days away!
Oh and in the morning, my belly looks so small and I can't believe that I'm already this far along. But by the end of the day, reality sets in. It's kinda funny. {Caden is looking through the Toy'R'Us Christmas Catalog while I'm blogging} So cute.
Too bad his Christmas list is at Target. Haha. OH...MY.... GOD! I can't breathe! Maybe I should try the netti-pot. Ha! NO.
Too bad that ain't gonna happen! haha
I'm going to pack my hospital bag today! {at least try to get it done} I keep putting it off, thinking that this really isn't happening. I'm not really pregnant with my SECOND kid. Yes, still in disbelief. I guess I better start believing since my due date is almost 20 days away!
Oh and in the morning, my belly looks so small and I can't believe that I'm already this far along. But by the end of the day, reality sets in. It's kinda funny. {Caden is looking through the Toy'R'Us Christmas Catalog while I'm blogging} So cute.
Too bad his Christmas list is at Target. Haha. OH...MY.... GOD! I can't breathe! Maybe I should try the netti-pot. Ha! NO.
Baby #2 Update
How far along: 36.1 weeks
Maternity clothes: Today, I wore a Non-Maternity summer dress, leggings, leg warmers and tall boots. So no maternity clothes today. I do want to look for a nightgown that I can wear in the hospital. I'll have to check Destination Maternity next week.
Sleep: Not sleeping that great, heartburn is REALLY bad. I have it ALL DAY LONG! All day! Are you kidding me!??!
Best moment this week: finding out that the head is down and where it should be!
Movement: Lots of movement. This kid is more active than Caden was.....uh oh. Lots of big jabs and moving across my belly
Food cravings/aversions: dark chocolate, water, fruit, oatmeal raisin cookies, more chocolate, fizzy water, apple juice. Meat kind of grosses me out right now.
Gender: Still sure it's a boy. I guess I should say 99%, but I really have no idea. I do have 3 boy & 3 girl names though! :)
What I miss: NO HEARTBURN PROBLEMS! Not having this gigantic stomach in the way.
What I am looking forward to: next week's ultrasound! Can't wait to see the baby!!!!!!
What I have learned: Sometimes the 2nd doesn't come early. Someone told me their 5th was a little over a week late! The 5th! I do hope this baby is born in December now, though. The birthstone is turquoise! How cool is that?
Milestones: dilated a fingertip. Haha
Halloween 2012
Ok, So Halloween is one of our favorite holidays! Coming up with costumes is a lot of fun!!! Jimmy & I always make our costumes as well. We never wear store-bought costumes. Before I found out I had Caden, I knew what my first born child was going to be for Halloween when he/she was a toddler.
I grew up watching (and loving) scary movies, Elvira, Nightmare on Elm Street, Tales from the Crypt, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Twilight Zone. I thank my mom & grandma for that! :) Child's Play was a movie I really enjoyed. It freaked the crap out of me. I even have the book from the movie. Haha. So it's only fitting that my child needed to be Chucky for Halloween. Now I had to find the magic to put it together.
My kid HATES hats, so my first thought was to spray his hair with red hairspray. However, he has fine super blonde beautiful hair. I didn't want it to look pink for Christmas pictures. So I thought I would buy a wig & just hope he kept it on for some pictures. I also needed to find a "rainbow" striped shirt. I looked EVERYWHERE! Even in the little girls' sections. No shirt. So I got this one from the thrift store. Good enough.
As for the wig, I had a hard time finding one. I had 2 reddish beards in my buggy and was going to just bobby pin them on him, then I saw this caveman wig & beard set. Score! {little did I know I bought a two-fer!}
The overalls, scars, & make-up we had. Oh yeah, and I bought him a knife.

Cuteset.....Chucky Doll......ever

HAHA! I love how creepy he is from the side & behind. Totally looks the part!

He had fun at this annual halloween costume photo shoot. He was stabbing the pumpkins with his knife and coloring the ground with chalk.


I took him to visit his great-grandparents, with Jimmy's parents to go trick-or-treating at their place. Jimmy's grandparents were passing out candy titled Child's Play! Holy awesomeness!! Haha

He did so well! He walked all through the halls and held out his pumpkin for candy. At one of the stops, he set his pumpkin down & grabbed the lady's pumpkin instead. Haha
Due to the weather, our trick-or-treating was pushed back a few days. It worked out great though! Jimmy was able to be there!! We made our first stop at my parents' house for some tricks. :) Then my mom came with us to go downtown.

I wish the right picture was in focus, but oh well. He was posing for pictures. Everyone kept saying what a great costume he had. My mom got all of it on video for us! He's going to love it when he gets older. One guy said, "best costume! Hands down!" It was pretty cool! I'm so glad that Jimmy was able to take off work to take Caden on his first REAL trick-or-treating. Last year, he stayed in his stroller.

This year, he walked to EVERY house! He even kept his wig on all night!

He did really well, and now I can eat all of the candy he collected!!!
I grew up watching (and loving) scary movies, Elvira, Nightmare on Elm Street, Tales from the Crypt, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Twilight Zone. I thank my mom & grandma for that! :) Child's Play was a movie I really enjoyed. It freaked the crap out of me. I even have the book from the movie. Haha. So it's only fitting that my child needed to be Chucky for Halloween. Now I had to find the magic to put it together.
My kid HATES hats, so my first thought was to spray his hair with red hairspray. However, he has fine super blonde beautiful hair. I didn't want it to look pink for Christmas pictures. So I thought I would buy a wig & just hope he kept it on for some pictures. I also needed to find a "rainbow" striped shirt. I looked EVERYWHERE! Even in the little girls' sections. No shirt. So I got this one from the thrift store. Good enough.
As for the wig, I had a hard time finding one. I had 2 reddish beards in my buggy and was going to just bobby pin them on him, then I saw this caveman wig & beard set. Score! {little did I know I bought a two-fer!}
The overalls, scars, & make-up we had. Oh yeah, and I bought him a knife.

Cuteset.....Chucky Doll......ever

HAHA! I love how creepy he is from the side & behind. Totally looks the part!

He had fun at this annual halloween costume photo shoot. He was stabbing the pumpkins with his knife and coloring the ground with chalk.


I took him to visit his great-grandparents, with Jimmy's parents to go trick-or-treating at their place. Jimmy's grandparents were passing out candy titled Child's Play! Holy awesomeness!! Haha

He did so well! He walked all through the halls and held out his pumpkin for candy. At one of the stops, he set his pumpkin down & grabbed the lady's pumpkin instead. Haha
Due to the weather, our trick-or-treating was pushed back a few days. It worked out great though! Jimmy was able to be there!! We made our first stop at my parents' house for some tricks. :) Then my mom came with us to go downtown.

I wish the right picture was in focus, but oh well. He was posing for pictures. Everyone kept saying what a great costume he had. My mom got all of it on video for us! He's going to love it when he gets older. One guy said, "best costume! Hands down!" It was pretty cool! I'm so glad that Jimmy was able to take off work to take Caden on his first REAL trick-or-treating. Last year, he stayed in his stroller.

This year, he walked to EVERY house! He even kept his wig on all night!

He did really well, and now I can eat all of the candy he collected!!!
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