How far along: 28.3 weeks
Maternity clothes: I'm still getting away with not having to wear them. Old Navy had a sale on clothes. I needed new khaki shorts for coaching, so I just bought a few sizes bigger than what I normally wear. And I fit into my "fat" jeans right now, so I really don't have to wear maternity jeans yet either. I have a couple of times though.
Sleep: Yeah, not getting that anymore, I guess. I REALLY struggled yesterday. And last night I had pretty bad acid reflux & heartburn, so that kinda kept me up. The other night, our neighbor's dog barked outside our window from 1am-4am. That never helps.
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat the other night with Jimmy's stethoscope. It was beating fast.
Movement: This baby likes to Move it, Move it! And it's definitely getting bigger because the kicks are harder and the pushing it does it stronger.
Food cravings/aversions: Right now I can't even think about eating pasta. I'm trying to eat more protein.
Gender: Not finding out. For sure. I've made it this far, and I think it would be cool to not know. When the baby comes out there will actually be meaning behind it when they say, "It's a ______!" Instead of thinking to myself, yeah. I already know.
What I miss: feeling good about myself, getting out of bed easily, sleeping through the night, wearing whatever I want.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting the baby & seeing Caden with his "brister"
What I have learned: hitting downballs and serving to my girls is probably not the best idea. I think I pulled an ab muscle. It and doesn't feel that great. But someone has to do it!
Milestones: Nothing to do with this pregnancy but I held a newborn that wasn't mine!!!!!
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