Caden has his doctor's appointment today. He had 3 shots and two cool Snoopy tattoos. He is doing very well!!!
Head Circumference: 47.5 cm 45%tile
Weight: 25 lbs 6 oz 45%tile
Height: 2' 9.25" 77%tile
He doesn't go back until he is 2 yrs old! TWO YEARS OLD!!!???!! I can't even imagine having a two year old. And the sad part is that it will be here sooner than I think.
Not to mention having 2 kids at that point. whew!
Speaking of which, Baby #2 is moving around like crazy. I was looking at some baby names and we may have to get rid of one of our boy names. It was WAY too common. I don't want a kid who has 10 other kids in its class with the same name. Ugh. Thinking of names is so hard, too.
I have a few pictures to post, just need to upload them in between the other 6 jobs I have going on right now.
About 32 Inches
18 months!!!

Wow! A year and 6 months has gone by already. Yay! Now we can just say Caden is a year and a half now. Instead of using the month terminology. I definitely think he is growing up so quickly, but after looking at his now picture next to these, it looks like he has lost his baby face. :( It could also be the mop on his head.

Giving kisses to Nipper (more like expecting kisses back) and petting him on the head.

I love that picture of him on the right. "Hey! I'm going to get a lot of candy in this here pumpkin next month. Candy that I won't be allowed to eat yet because I'm too little. Candy that my mom & dad will devour."

The Bipolar-ness of a toddler. He actually wasn't pouting in that picture just making a silly face.

BLOCKS!!! If you ever need someone to tear down your block building, Caden is the man for the job!

"Hey Caden! Show Mommy how you ride your bike."- Jimmy
"You mean THIS BIKE?"- Caden

Someone has a little cold.....
mister charming
Little Man Update
He is VERY independent! And I like that. Still calls me Dada, not too keen on that though. I love how he says the cat's name. Likes to play and looks at books!!! He's into chasing the dog around which is cool, except I have to make sure he doesn't go near her tail or she'll freak. So that will be better when he understands that. He's a smart little cookie, too. Sometimes he does stuff and Jimmy & I just look at each other like, "how the heck did he know to do that?" It's pretty cool.
He's kinda getting in that clingy stage where he just wants me and comes over and hugs my legs and doesn't let go. Haha.
I can't believe how big he is getting, too. :( It's a good thing we are having another baby soon.
Well, I need to get cracking on my pictures for work. Yay.....
Baby #2 Update 28w

How far along: 28.3 weeks
Maternity clothes: I'm still getting away with not having to wear them. Old Navy had a sale on clothes. I needed new khaki shorts for coaching, so I just bought a few sizes bigger than what I normally wear. And I fit into my "fat" jeans right now, so I really don't have to wear maternity jeans yet either. I have a couple of times though.
Sleep: Yeah, not getting that anymore, I guess. I REALLY struggled yesterday. And last night I had pretty bad acid reflux & heartburn, so that kinda kept me up. The other night, our neighbor's dog barked outside our window from 1am-4am. That never helps.
Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat the other night with Jimmy's stethoscope. It was beating fast.
Movement: This baby likes to Move it, Move it! And it's definitely getting bigger because the kicks are harder and the pushing it does it stronger.
Food cravings/aversions: Right now I can't even think about eating pasta. I'm trying to eat more protein.
Gender: Not finding out. For sure. I've made it this far, and I think it would be cool to not know. When the baby comes out there will actually be meaning behind it when they say, "It's a ______!" Instead of thinking to myself, yeah. I already know.
What I miss: feeling good about myself, getting out of bed easily, sleeping through the night, wearing whatever I want.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting the baby & seeing Caden with his "brister"
What I have learned: hitting downballs and serving to my girls is probably not the best idea. I think I pulled an ab muscle. It and doesn't feel that great. But someone has to do it!
Milestones: Nothing to do with this pregnancy but I held a newborn that wasn't mine!!!!!
This & That
My belly pretty much looks the same as when I was pregnant with Caden.

My hair is longer! I think it's funny that I took both of these pictures after a shower. I can tell my hair is wet. I would say that I'm carrying this baby a little lower, probably because my abs aren't as strong as they were the first time around. It's kinda of funny to see the two next to each other. And gross at the same time.

My hair is longer! I think it's funny that I took both of these pictures after a shower. I can tell my hair is wet. I would say that I'm carrying this baby a little lower, probably because my abs aren't as strong as they were the first time around. It's kinda of funny to see the two next to each other. And gross at the same time.
A little post from the Baby Mama
It's almost midnight, but I'm glued to the brightness of my MacBook. Damn you technology. Now I won't be able to go to sleep for awhile. It's good that I haven't been lying down in bed though, because I have heartburn.
I just realized today that I only have about 12 weeks left to go in this pregnancy. I have to admit, it's been pretty dang easy! That is a little scary- maybe the birth won't be so easy- maybe I will come out of it with stretch marks- maybe I'll be surprised with TWINS!!!! ahhhh!
Jimmy took my 28 week picture today, so hopefully I will find some time to upload that. I have a HUGE couple of weeks ahead of me. I already want them to be over. :/
Tomorrow, I have a hair modeling gig, stop at the office to turn in pictures, an away game, dinner at my parents', and need to clean the ENTIRE house, bc we have about 25 people coming over on Tuesday.
I guess I really should go to bed...
The baby is kicking me, trying to tell me to go lay down.
Third Trimester, Here I am!!!!
Yay! I had my 27th week appt today. I asked the doctor about all of the new veins that popped up on my right leg this pregnancy. He said we will check for blood clotting the next appt. They actually hurt. I can feel the blood throbbing in the area where there are veins. Not cool. I also asked him about how nauseous I have been. Nothing is wrong with me or the baby, so I just got unlucky this time with being sick throughout the pregnancy. It hasn't been completely unbearable and I know people have it worse than me. So I can't really complain. But I do. hehe.
I also have to make sure I have 5 fetal kicks after I eat. If not- I need to call the doc. Lots of stuff this ponder.
Today was my gestational diabetes testing day. When I was pregnant with Caden, it was around Christmas time when I was this far along. Needless to say, with all of the holiday eating, I failed the diabetes test. Healthy results 65-135 I had a 146. Oops. So I had to do the 3 hour long test. That really sucked!!!! So this time around, I tried to watch my sugar intake before the test. The vampire that took my blood asked if I ate anything this morning. Yes- plain oatmeal. She said, that's not that good bc it's carbs. Carbs breakdown into sugar. Well shit. So I've been kinda stressed about that all day. And I got my results tonight.......85! Yay. No dia-Bee-tis here!
I kinda have some heartburn right now. But looking back on my last pregnancy it is NOTHING compared to it:
Bad heartburn
Oh man, I feel so bad for my former me. Sleeping while sitting up or not sleeping at all.
Oh geez! It's getting late. I have a lot to do again tomo. Gonna go read myself to sleep.
I also have to make sure I have 5 fetal kicks after I eat. If not- I need to call the doc. Lots of stuff this ponder.
Today was my gestational diabetes testing day. When I was pregnant with Caden, it was around Christmas time when I was this far along. Needless to say, with all of the holiday eating, I failed the diabetes test. Healthy results 65-135 I had a 146. Oops. So I had to do the 3 hour long test. That really sucked!!!! So this time around, I tried to watch my sugar intake before the test. The vampire that took my blood asked if I ate anything this morning. Yes- plain oatmeal. She said, that's not that good bc it's carbs. Carbs breakdown into sugar. Well shit. So I've been kinda stressed about that all day. And I got my results tonight.......85! Yay. No dia-Bee-tis here!
I kinda have some heartburn right now. But looking back on my last pregnancy it is NOTHING compared to it:
Bad heartburn
Oh man, I feel so bad for my former me. Sleeping while sitting up or not sleeping at all.
Oh geez! It's getting late. I have a lot to do again tomo. Gonna go read myself to sleep.
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