How far along are you? 20.3 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope. Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not yet. But dreading the day they come :(
Sleep: I've been sleeping okay. I go to bed fairly early and get up whenever Cade does, but I wish I would wake up before him! He sleeps in.
Finding out the sex?: A week ago, we could have found out the sex of the baby, but we didn't. It's a good thing that we didn't want to, bc the baby was all curled up in a ball. When they finally got it to lengthen out, it crossed its legs. They gave us an envelope telling us what it is, but we aren't peeking. I really don't want to look anyway, besides who knows if they really got a good view?
Movement: Lots. Even during the day. Maybe this baby will be even more active than Caden! Oh man, I'm in trouble.
Cravings: peaches, popsicles, lemonade, salty foods,mmm more peaches
Food aversions: chicken, pizza, peanut butter, meat in general...It's weird, I'll eat it, but thinking about it grosses me out. I actually just had peanut butter on toast and I seriously feel like I'm going to puke for the first time while pregnant. Not even kidding.
Most irritating moments: finding something to wear. I look fat in everything. Not being able to do ANYTHING at the bachelorette party this september.
What I miss: my thinner body and liking what the scale says at the gym. Also the fact that when I work out now I have to be careful. Kinda hinders a GOOD workout.
What I'm looking forward to: Caden feeling the baby kick- not that he has any idea what's going on. Meeting the baby, getting its room as set-up as its gonna get (have to finish after its born for gender decorating purposes), Christmas this year, not being pregnant (it's not so bad, but ya know...)
On side note: My neighbor said she is good at predicting the sex, she told me to ask her in 2 months. She predicted Caden, when everyone else guessed a girl. So who knows? Maybe she has a talent for it! :)
I really think I'm going to throw up, btw.
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