Caden is a little handful now. Which is very convenient. NOT SO MUCH! I love his little personality. Even though at times I have to be strong and not laugh when he does something bad.
He loves to look at books. Eats more than my 18 year old brother. Likes to grab ahold of Oakley's tail and NOT let go, even if it means he is being dragged. Loves to jump on his Daddy's back and pin him down. Likes to hit me in the face (what the shit?) But he also gives great hugs and kisses. We have to work on the kisses though. He open mouth kisses your cheek. Not right He waves and blows kisses to strangers. A very loving fellow.
Balls, balloons, blocks, and books. When we ask him to get his shoes he runs to his room and picks out some shoes to wear, if they don't match he runs back and gets the right other half. He knows where his cups are and where the milk is. He likes to be chased. He hates to wear any hat. He wouldn't wear his new bike helmet either. Loves to throw sand at the beach. Likes to play in the water & bathtub. You can't even joke about taking a bath. If you bring it up, he HAS to have one or he throws a fit. Sometimes, there are fits. But that's what being a toddler is for.
Well and for making us all really happy, bc he is such a cool little nugget!!!
Baby Update
How far along: 21.2 weeks
Maternity clothes: Not yet. I wore a maternity dress to a baby shower, but not because I had to, only because I thought it was cute.
Sleep: I've been getting decent sleep. I don't really get up in the middle of the night yet, so that's good. My back has been really hurting me lately though. Kinda depressing.
Best moment this week: How about WORST! Stepped on the scale and didn't like what I saw. I'm still under where I was at this point with Cade, but still not happy.
Movement: This baby is just as active as its brother, if not more. It kinda hurts sometimes. Ha
Food cravings/aversions: I want: skinny cow chocolate fudge ice cream cones, gourmet blueberry muffins (just the tops even), guacamole, peaches, milk, Crispix, Rice Krispies... Now for what I DON'T want: pizza, sandwiches, pork, chicken, meat basically, anything too filling. The thought of ANYTHING other than what was on that "good" list sounds gross right now.
Gender: I'm still female & the baby, well who really even knows? I don't think even the ultrasound doctor knows. There is no way he could have determined it. The baby was totally uncooperative.
What I miss: my memory, balance, skinny legs, flat stomach, being able to throw anything on and not look at myself like a fat whale.
What I am looking forward to: The 36th week ultrasound!!!!! Hopefully I get one again. Also having this baby. I just want it out already and I have less than halfway to go!
What I have learned: Being pregnant in Summer sucks, NOT because of the heat, but I LOVE that, but bc you can't drink. Picking out baby names is SOOOOO hard, and not fun when you really have to come up with an answer.
Milestones: Realizing that I am going to have 2 rugrats to take care of. On top of that, 5 part-time jobs. ew.
Wow. This baby kicks a lot. And the bad part has begun....❤burn Lovely.
This is night 2 of it and it suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Gotta love the hairy kids. Also, I think my belly got bigger since last night. It sticks out pretty far now. It's killing me to not know the gender of this baby, too. I keep telling Jimmy that I'm going to cave, but I really DON'T want to.
We took Caden on a bike ride again tonight. He loves sitting in the back in his bike trailer. It's cute to see his hair blowing in the wind. Sometimes, I look back and see him "reading" his book. The only thing that sucks is that there are no sidewalks around here. So we can't really go anywhere and I can only go through my neighborhood so many times.
Hopefully tomo it will only rain during his nap and at night, so we can hang outside again.
This is night 2 of it and it suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Gotta love the hairy kids. Also, I think my belly got bigger since last night. It sticks out pretty far now. It's killing me to not know the gender of this baby, too. I keep telling Jimmy that I'm going to cave, but I really DON'T want to.
We took Caden on a bike ride again tonight. He loves sitting in the back in his bike trailer. It's cute to see his hair blowing in the wind. Sometimes, I look back and see him "reading" his book. The only thing that sucks is that there are no sidewalks around here. So we can't really go anywhere and I can only go through my neighborhood so many times.
Hopefully tomo it will only rain during his nap and at night, so we can hang outside again.
20w bump

How far along are you? 20.3 weeks
Total weight gain: 8 lbs
Maternity clothes: Nope. Not yet.
Stretch marks?: Not yet. But dreading the day they come :(
Sleep: I've been sleeping okay. I go to bed fairly early and get up whenever Cade does, but I wish I would wake up before him! He sleeps in.
Finding out the sex?: A week ago, we could have found out the sex of the baby, but we didn't. It's a good thing that we didn't want to, bc the baby was all curled up in a ball. When they finally got it to lengthen out, it crossed its legs. They gave us an envelope telling us what it is, but we aren't peeking. I really don't want to look anyway, besides who knows if they really got a good view?
Movement: Lots. Even during the day. Maybe this baby will be even more active than Caden! Oh man, I'm in trouble.
Cravings: peaches, popsicles, lemonade, salty foods,mmm more peaches
Food aversions: chicken, pizza, peanut butter, meat in general...It's weird, I'll eat it, but thinking about it grosses me out. I actually just had peanut butter on toast and I seriously feel like I'm going to puke for the first time while pregnant. Not even kidding.
Most irritating moments: finding something to wear. I look fat in everything. Not being able to do ANYTHING at the bachelorette party this september.
What I miss: my thinner body and liking what the scale says at the gym. Also the fact that when I work out now I have to be careful. Kinda hinders a GOOD workout.
What I'm looking forward to: Caden feeling the baby kick- not that he has any idea what's going on. Meeting the baby, getting its room as set-up as its gonna get (have to finish after its born for gender decorating purposes), Christmas this year, not being pregnant (it's not so bad, but ya know...)
On side note: My neighbor said she is good at predicting the sex, she told me to ask her in 2 months. She predicted Caden, when everyone else guessed a girl. So who knows? Maybe she has a talent for it! :)
I really think I'm going to throw up, btw.
Cooling off
Coming soon...
I have a lot of pictures to post. Hopefully, next week I will be able to work on them and post.
We have been on vacation so there are plenty to go through. I'm actually getting better at not taking a ton and deleting. The little man has quite the personality. He likes to entertain and loves the attention that he gets. It's so cute. He also is kind of a little daredevil. I don't know how he doesn't have more bruises and bumps. Right now he is running and diving into his ball pit.
He loves to play with any kind of ball still and that's about the only thing he won't share. He has a pretty good arm, too. So you have to keep your guard when he has something in his hands. He also loves to look at books. When it's quiet, I usually find him sitting down in the most random spot just looking through a book.
He is fascinated with balloons "Bah-OOHN" He also likes to point out the moon "dah-oon" He's pretty good at pointing stuff out as well (bird, duck, fish, balloon, moon, flowers, dog, cat, football, etc)
His nighttime routine is drinking warm milk in a cup, while we read a few books. Then he goes right to sleep. I get his milk ready and he goes in his room to pick out books. I find it fascinating at how much he knows and how quickly he learns. It's kinda cool to watch his thought process sometimes.
He was the easiest baby to take care of and I think we are getting what was coming to us with the toddler stage. He isn't horrible, but he certainly likes to test us. We say, "no," he smirks and keeps on doing it. I'm trying to get him to stop throwing everything, especially at people. Plastic blocks to the face---not cool bro. He is very independent, which I LOVE! He can entertain himself very well and doesn't need someone standing over him all the time. He likes his space. Then of course, ya have to scoop him up and shower him with kisses for being so awesome!
Caden also likes to dance & play music. Kim taught him how to turn on the keyboard. I realized that he likes it so much, so it's in his room now.
With the new baby coming this early winter, we have to do some rearranging in Caden and #2's rooms. The rocking chair is in his room, but will soon be in the baby's room. I haven't figured out what I want to put in that little area yet. I was thinking of getting another chair, but I'm not sure that I want to do that. I should put the ball pit there.
I also am not finding out the sex of this baby, so I won't have the room decorated this time. It is painted and the furniture is picked out, but I'm not set on a theme yet. I have ideas, and wish there was a way I could set it all up without finding out, but ya can't do that. I don't really want to go the unisex route.
Okey dokey. More to come soon. ta-ta for now!
We have been on vacation so there are plenty to go through. I'm actually getting better at not taking a ton and deleting. The little man has quite the personality. He likes to entertain and loves the attention that he gets. It's so cute. He also is kind of a little daredevil. I don't know how he doesn't have more bruises and bumps. Right now he is running and diving into his ball pit.
He loves to play with any kind of ball still and that's about the only thing he won't share. He has a pretty good arm, too. So you have to keep your guard when he has something in his hands. He also loves to look at books. When it's quiet, I usually find him sitting down in the most random spot just looking through a book.
He is fascinated with balloons "Bah-OOHN" He also likes to point out the moon "dah-oon" He's pretty good at pointing stuff out as well (bird, duck, fish, balloon, moon, flowers, dog, cat, football, etc)
His nighttime routine is drinking warm milk in a cup, while we read a few books. Then he goes right to sleep. I get his milk ready and he goes in his room to pick out books. I find it fascinating at how much he knows and how quickly he learns. It's kinda cool to watch his thought process sometimes.
He was the easiest baby to take care of and I think we are getting what was coming to us with the toddler stage. He isn't horrible, but he certainly likes to test us. We say, "no," he smirks and keeps on doing it. I'm trying to get him to stop throwing everything, especially at people. Plastic blocks to the face---not cool bro. He is very independent, which I LOVE! He can entertain himself very well and doesn't need someone standing over him all the time. He likes his space. Then of course, ya have to scoop him up and shower him with kisses for being so awesome!
Caden also likes to dance & play music. Kim taught him how to turn on the keyboard. I realized that he likes it so much, so it's in his room now.
With the new baby coming this early winter, we have to do some rearranging in Caden and #2's rooms. The rocking chair is in his room, but will soon be in the baby's room. I haven't figured out what I want to put in that little area yet. I was thinking of getting another chair, but I'm not sure that I want to do that. I should put the ball pit there.
I also am not finding out the sex of this baby, so I won't have the room decorated this time. It is painted and the furniture is picked out, but I'm not set on a theme yet. I have ideas, and wish there was a way I could set it all up without finding out, but ya can't do that. I don't really want to go the unisex route.
Okey dokey. More to come soon. ta-ta for now!
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