I was just thinking, I should have dressed him up in a little tux. Damn! Next year!
I have a ton of pictures to post. It's just really hard to work on my blog when there is a screaming baby in the house. We have to make sure to not hold him 24/7. Otherwise, he will never learn to be independent. And Jimmy & I BOTH agreed that we want our kids to be independent, so as soon as I put him down and he starts crying.....hmmm. There's a SMALL sign that he is being held too long during the day. grrrrrrr....
I just put him in his crib so that I could upload and work on these. He screamed himself to sleep. Awesome, now I have to go wake him up! Great! I'm super NOT happy about that.
He got a lot of attention over Blossom weekend. There were so many people holding him & kissing him. Almost everyone did a great job holding him the correct way. Of course there were a few inexperienced people who didn't realize that they weren't supporting his head. He is only 2 months, so BOOM down he goes. I almost FREAKED on 3 people holding him. Isn't it a written rule, common sense, to ALWAYS support a little baby's head?!?! Do you know how hard it is to NOT tell people, "hey can you please hold my baby better, in a more supportive way?" There is no easy way to say it without pissing off the other person. Well shit, I shouldn't have to say it at all. I'm seriously getting to the point where I just won't let ANYONE hold him until he can fully support himself on his own. Because I seriously don't trust anyone to do it. Sometimes I don't even trust myself *cough*cough*2AM*cough*cough*! When I see someone not supporting his head while holding him, my head swells, my eyes shoot daggers at them, and I'm SCREAMING INSIDE!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
And kissing! Don't people know to NOT kiss a baby on the lips!?! I saw a few people doing that! Are you serious right now?! Everyone knows that you shouldn't do that. Don't they realize how friggin dirty all of our mouths are? I don't even kiss my OWN baby on the lips!!! That is so wrong! ick! wtf!
Whew! ok, thanks I needed that. Well, I must REALLY go wake up this baby now. Yay.... Sweet. I'm in for a long night now! Awesome. :/
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