So this is happening. I can't believe how fast time is flying. Actually, that's not true. I can- because everyone told me it would. But this dude. He is getting so big. He doesn't even look like a little nugget anymore. Definitely going to break some hearts one day.
Kindergarten starts Thursday. We have his orientation tomorrow. I'm signed up as Lead Room Mom. Whose idea was that? To be honest, nobody would sign up and I didn't want his first year of school to be boring!
See. He is already driving.
And this one....
Handful. I'm very curious to see how he does at his first year of Preschool. I hope he takes direction well. He likes to do what he wants, when we wants. And that damn smile and the big hugs and kisses that he throws out. Man, gets him away with a lot.
Schools starts next month for him. Going to be a quiet house soon.
I'm not complaining :)