Caden has still been doing really well with potty training. He is growing up so fast, just like everyone says. He says the funniest things, too. He's totally obsessed with the Toy Story series and quotes the movie while playing with Woody, Buzz, Mr. Potato Head, and others.
Ryder's eczema was really bad. Took him to a pediatric dermatologist and we had it under control. It flared up again on his face & neck. So hopefully after today's visit and MORE creams he will be good to go. I can't believe he is 15 months already. He tries to do everything that Caden does. It's really cute. Caden doesn't like that sometimes, but that comes with the territory of being the oldest. :)
The two of them actually play pretty well together & I'm sure they are going to have a blast in the years to come. I took some pictures the other day, so I have some to post. Just have to get them uploaded & formatted.