Cade still looking like both of us. The left I see Jimmy. To the right, me.

I love how Ryder is trying to steal the toy out of Caden's hand, yet still able to hold his cute pose. Which by the way, that toy was intended for Ryder to begin with. Caden is the initial thief. And then Ryder mid-takeoff.

love them.

This baby is ALWAYS smiling. Well, unless of course he is crying. But seriously, overall a happy baby!

There is that goofy face that I can't figure out.

And some more smiles. :)

He has 4 teeth now! And is starting some solid foods (other than puffs) He had blueberries the other day!

Michael had to hold him by his shirt for the rocking chair picture. Keeping an 8 month old still....not easy.

Looking less like a baby.... :(