I can't believe he is already 7 months. Actually he is going to be 8 months in 6 days! HOLY CRAP!! I am JUST NOW posting these?!?!?!!! Ugh, I'm so behind on life! Here are his measurements from his 6 month appointment...Uh, I told you I was a little behind:
17 lbs 11oz (50%tile) - - lighter than Caden @ 6m
2' 2.75" (50%tile) - - Same length as Caden @ 6m
HC 44.4cm (78%tile) - - Um, his head is still HUGE!
Even though he has a huge, heavy head he has NO problem getting around. The lil nug is all over the place. He is the faster crawler ever! He now pulls himself up to a standing position. When he is sitting down he looks like he is trying to just stand right up from a sitting position.
He is always smiling and laughing, EXCEPT when he is in his playpen. The boy does NOT like to be caged. He doesn't like to be kept from roaming free.
Oh my, he needs to slow down! He is growing up too quickly!
He makes me smile. :)