He sat so patiently waiting for his gifts. When Jimmy brought over the big box- he flipped!

I had a bucket filled with Hand-me-downs. He loves them all. Some are from when I was a kid and some are from a friend. I love watching him play with the toys that I loved playing with. And it's cool, bc now I have a legit excuse to play with them again. Hey Little People are sweet!
A lot of toys need batteries, so he already has that word in his vocabulary. It doesn't exactly sound like "battery"but one night, I said something needed batteries (I didn't want to turn it on bc he had to go to bed). So now, every night he said "Bi-Yee" and points to the cool mist nightlight. HA!
We turned it on that night.

Still need to find some more of the Little People collection I had. Oh and those pretend foods....we had these cupcakes that smelled like chocolate. After 24 years, they still smell like they did when Kim & I were little!!!! That is a quality toy! Probably painted with lead paint, too!

He wasn't shy at all when we sang Happy Birthday to him. He was soooo excited! Then Jimmy brought over his dessert with the candles and he had the cutest smile. He was so happy. He tried to touch the flame on the candle but Jimmy yelled, "NO! Don't touch!" I kinda just kept snapping pictures. haha

He blew out the candles on his own! I hope he made a wish. I love asking him how old his is. He says, "two," so matter of factly. (eh it should be a word)