well today ryder woke up at 6, but then sorta went back to sleep until 7. not bad! he also has been sleeping in his crib this week! yay! caden just woke up at 10:40! lol he's chompin' down on his breakfast right now (ryder is eating, too) go figure.

"hey mom." he randomly says hi to me throughout the day. it cracks me up.

love those lashes

i can't believe how big he is getting!!
i looked thru comp for a picture of caden at this age. this is what i could find:

they have the same ears! lol and cheeks but you see a difference between them
i'm starting to put some effort into doing tummy time with ryder. he needs to strengthen those neck & core muscles. might be tough, he's got a huge head lol

eh, not bad! :)
the other day, ryder got up at 6. after i fed him, i put him in his swing. caden & i went in to get him up at like 10:45!!!

"hi guys...i guess i'll get up"

showing me his marker

kissin' his bro, good morning

haha i like that one

he has talons for toes!!!! sqwaaaaaaaaack!!