The weather has been so awesome lately, so we haven't been in our house unless we're sleeping. I did FINALLY take some pictures with my camera so I can have something to post. Maybe tonight I will work on them.
I heard music going on in Cade's room this afternoon, so I assumed that he was up from his nap. I walk in and he is half asleep holding his seahorse. Crap! I woke him up and now he is CRANKY as all hell. But still cute as a little button. Right now he is petting his Daisy. (Dāh duh)
The other day he pointed to his ABC Wall Art in his room and pointed to Daisy and said her name. I was kinda shocked. Then I asked him where the cat was. He pointed right to it. So I asked where the ball was. Again, right to it. Then I asked where the monkey was- BINGO! I was so impressed I grabbed the video camera & Jimmy to show what he can do. He then only pointed to 3 out of the 4. Haha. Next time!
He loves walking around outside in the yard and exploring. The other day, I set up his Sun Dome and a blanket and he played out in the backyard while I read long overdue magazines. He was having fun throwing his toys into the flowers. Little bugger...