I had to wake Cade up today super early because I had a dermatologist appt. He has been NON-STOP cranky ALL day! Like he is punishing me for getting him up at the butt crack of dawn! Seriously, CONSTANT whining. ugh! As soon as I pick him up, he is fine! WTF!?
I DID NOT spoil him like that! I have to make my halloween costume and do all of this crap all by myself! So far this is the worst Halloween ever!
There were a lot of places to prop Caden for this photo shoot! Just what I hoped for! Now I have to get Sarah over there so we can take pix of her little munchkins.
I like how he is acting in the right picture. "This is MY pumpkin!"
Gotta love those baby blues!
He kept gumming the straw. eh, we were keeping an eye on him. lol
How cool is this!?! A giant pool of kernels! Haha! great photo op material!
"Man, I'm tired!"
"AHHH! More CORN!"
Working on his lower ab strength so one day he can beat his Dad in a leg raising contest!
Everything that gets picked up.....goes in the mouth!
"huh, none of this tastes like corn! I think they are foolin' me, Mom."