Took him in for his check-up. All is well so far. We might have to switch him to a soy based formula. Poor little guy is taking after his dad in the skin/allergy department. He has super dry skin patches(could be eczema- jimmy had that when he was little). They had to switch jimmy to a soy-based formula, and the doc is thinking that Cade might be going through the same ordeal.
We have some new things on our plate. Literally. He has to eat from a spoon EVERY night for dinner. And in 3 weeks he gets to try a fruit!!!!! And in a month we can start giving him water!!! YAY!!! Also, in a month he can have diluted juice from a sippy cup. Only 4 oz a day. which is fine. I don't want him drinking a lot of that anyway.
Today we worked on sitting up and standing. He's pretty strong. I hope he's a quick walker like I was. And if not, no biggie. I want his next trick to be holding his own bottle. So I'm trying to work on that.
Alrighty, off to get SOMETHING done, while he is napping!